Opioid distributors point the finger back at DEA for not stopping the epidemic

Opioid distributors point the finger back at DEA for not stopping the epidemic

3 Responses

  1. epidemic my backside. do you honestly believe we are to stupid to know lies when we hear and see it?

  2. There is no opioid epidemic!! There is a chronic pain epidemic and an epidemic of suicides due to UNDERTREATED pain.

  3. Again,,i don’t think there is a epidemic,,just the ability to spy onto all of our medicines,us,our doctors, now a days,, computere data ability now a days,,,is the truth,,The government has taken more information from the public ,more then ever in the history of mankind,,and they see the numbers,,and their OPINION,,,,,, is epidemic,,,,,after all,,,,that is the definition of a epidemic when there is no MEDICAL evidence to back it,,,,and there is no truthful medical evidence to back a ,”epidemic,”,,just a bunch of so-called ,”professionals ,”who think they have the arrogant right to decide for ADULTS ,,who is to suffer in physical pain,,,,and who will not FORCIBLE suffer in physical pain from our opiate phobic politicians playing doctor denying us access to effective medical care for physical pain…Nope,,,do not believe in this ,”epidemic,” propaganda 1 bit,,,,, ITS ALLL ”REEFER MADNESS PROPAGANDA,PROHIBITION,,,,ALL OVER AGAIN,,,,maryw

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