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Cocaine, MDMA and Amphetamine Capitals of Europe Ranked in New Report

Barcelona has been crowned Europe’s cocaine capital, according to a scientific study that tested the water in some of the biggest cities inside the European Union.

The survey, carried out by the Europe-wide sewage analysis SCORE group, in association with the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA), sampled the wastewater of 56 cities across 19 different countries to test where illicit stimulant use is most concentrated.

The researchers had access to wastewater plants treating the sewage coming out of each city, where they checked for the biomarkers of each drug and the metabolites that the body excretes in urine after the drug has been processed.

Different drugs affect urine differently, and researchers were able to determine not only where illicit substances were used more but also what kind were the most popular. The agency tested for four different kinds of drugs and discovered some fascinating insights into Europe’s top international clusters of drug use.

Methamphetamines, for example, are not widely popular; however, in the neighborhoods of central Europe, more specifically in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and eastern parts of Germany, traces feature strongly in the sewage. The top seven cities by methamphetamine use are all from those three countries alone, and Germany’s Chemnitz leads the pack with more than 240 milligrams for every thousand residents, according to the EMCDDA’s press release.

Cocaine is much more popular throughout Europe, albeit more so in western and southern Europe than the rest of the continent. The capital of Spain’s Catalonia region, Barcelona, goes through 965.2 milligrams a day per 1,000 residents, beating any other city surveyed. Swiss capital Zurich is in second place with 934.4 milligrams, and Belgium’s Antwerp only slightly edges out another city in Switzerland—St. Gallen with 822.9 milligrams to the latter’s 821.7. The Alpine nation has four of its cities in the top 10 for cocaine use, more than any other.

03_09_Cocaine Powdered cocaine is pictured in this undated handout photo courtesy of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. The capital of Spain’s Catalonia region, Barcelona, goes through 965.2 milligrams a day per 1,000 residents, according to a new study. Reuters/US DEA/Reuters

The study came with some caveats, such as the exclusion of several large EU capitals like Madrid and London. The British city topped the table for cocaine use in 2014 and 2015, then finished second in 2016. The study also surveyed Eastern Europe much more sparsely, but researchers noted that the numbers still reveal “distinct geographical and temporal patterns of drug use in European cities.”

By and large, MDMA is not very popular among Europeans, but in the Netherlands, Amsterdam is a runaway leader with traces of the stuff in wastewater measuring 230.3 milligrams daily. For reference, Dutch city Eindhoven is the second of the nation’s three entries in the MDMA top five with 165.1 milligrams. Neighboring  Antwerp, in Belgium, is in third place with 95.3 milligrams a day.

The lowlands also rank highly in the tests for amphetamine, where Eindhoven leads the pack with 271.7 milligrams a day and Antwerp is a close second with 268.8 milligrams. Overall the Netherlands, Belgium and nearby Germany dominate the amphetamine map, as the top 17 is comprised entirely of cities from the three countries.

2 Responses


  2. We Are Lied-To In Everyway. The Adderalls, Dextroamphetamine Sulfates, Oxycodones, …..AREN’T EVEN AUTHENTIC-BUT MISREPRESENTED, AND ILLEGALLY MISLABELED. THESE ” BIOSIMILARS” HAVE DISABLED ME MORE THAN ONE CAN IMAGINE. BUT BEING DESPARATE, CHRONICALLY FATIGUED, AND NEAR DEATH FROM WASTING EVERY NANO-SECOND TRYING TO ADVOCATE FOR OVER 7 YEARS, AND TOO BRAIN DAMAGED TO WRITE ANOTHER “REPRESENTATIVE”, as-well as praying for that one microscopic part to somehow sustain me long-enough to wait for a miracle, I ‘m lost for hope. THE TWO MEDICATIONS MY ABILITY REQUIRES TO POSSIBLY BE PART-TIME INDEPENDENT, AND OFF THIS TORTURE-TRAIN TO A SLOW HORRIFIC DEATH, ARE LOADED WITH SYNTHETIC ARSENIC, A NUCLEAR GLOW-IN THE DARK NANO-SUBSTANCE THATSOUNDS LIKE “GLADIOLIUM”, and is-so experimental-that the BIG-PHARMA WHO IS SECRETLY SURVEILLING THEM [for certain groups], is WATCHING-FOR LIVER, KIDNEY, HEART RELATED PROBLEMS, [no-less additional chronic and Extremely Painful Disease-As The Chronic-Long-Term Exposures From The Heavy Metals Alone, Become Another Chronically Painful Separate Disease-Itself, which my body certainly could not recover from, and I will be ASSURED that the debilitating pain I am in now, will drive me to a fast suicide if a miracle doesn’t happen yesterday. I have the links to these big pharma entities via a search from a management term “LOCK IN TAG-OUT” KNOWLEDGE W/O POWER OR INFLUENCE IS AN ADDITIONAL ASSAULT ON WHAT’S LEFT OF MY BRAIN. OVER THE PAST 7 YEARS, [and with a chronically-ill sister], without any help, support, validation or even trustworthy testing from our sinister insurance company, gov, depopulating pharma agenda, non-existent advocacy, and below the poverty level, I thank-you Steve, as more and more of my emails, snail-mails, and faxes have “DISAPPEARED” NEVER RECEIVED, AND NEVER RETURNED. I breathe a sigh of hope whenever I read that my email has successfully reached your site.

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