Your Government is LYING To YOU….REALLY LYING…to all of US…..

10 Responses

  1. I believe you.

  2. WE have to be honest with ourselves, The 90 DME is not a measure of opioids taken it is a measure of health. The US government is killing sick people by denial of care by attacking the doctors that treat us

  3. Tonight, I am suffering! I was prescribed 15 Fentynal patches a month for approximately 7 years. This year, 10 per month via Insurance Co. limitations!

    Suddenly, my pain is out of control! I said two years ago, this would cause people to do 1 of 3 things— leave state or country, turn to streets or commit suicide. Im now considering the last—. I can NOT live like this!

    Steve, can Mexico or Canada let me buy a Rx without a prescription or must I have one?

    • one of the basics of the practice of medicine is the starting, changing, stopping a pt’s medication/therapy.. The Control Substance Act … it is illegal for a prescriber to prescribe for pt that they have not done a in person physical exam. Your insurance company has a MEDICAL DIRECTOR.. I would suspect that he/she is the one who has signed off on these opiate dosage limits. Also a prescriber can only practice medicine in the state in which they are licensed… if they are not licensed in the state in which you live.. that is also illegal. Cutting a pt’s medication and INTENTIONALLY throwing a pt into withdrawal and/or elevated level of pain … could be considered TORTURE and/or pt/senior abuse… which is illegal.

    • Shelley,,,,the province of British Columbia in Canada has just declared,,,denial of access to effective amount of medicine to a chronic pain person is a violation of human rights,,thus ALL DOCTORS in that province must give their CPPP the medicine they need,,,fyi,,maryw

  4. If they are a liars, why can’t we stop them from continually stopping our pain medication??

    • We can’t stop them because they hold the power of authority over us.They control the laws,regulations,dea and the money,,Its called abuse of power under the color of law,,See corruption has no use for truth,,,Thats why we can’t stop them yet,,,maryw

  5. PROP is the group most responsible for creating the hysteria AND creating brutal, inaccurate, tortuous and even fatal “guidelines” for prescribing opiods sdopted by CDC. Apparently, CDC did not verify these statistics or vet the studies etc. FDA said that the methods used and conclusions were “completely unsupportable” by scientific methodology.

    And the **Gasp*** 64,000 ODs are ALL MEDS! Could be allergic reactions, death from blood thinners, cancer drugs, ANYTHING. Dr Bloom backed out all non opioids, down to 30-35000 . The real deception is that close to 25000 deaths are in opiate family, heroin illicit fentanyl or combo. Other ods were pain pills, yes, but mixed with coke or alcohol or benzos. So yes, CPPs are suffering horrendous pain, loss of quality, mobility, self esteem, and reputation.

    Our doses are cut by at least 50%, or changed to dangerous nerve pain meds or surgery or nothing. Suicides, many vets, have risen rapidly.

    Perhaps we could grill our govt about Afghani opium crops. In 2001, 385 tons. In 2008, it was 7000 tons. New record in 2016 was 9000 tons. THAT is the opioid crisis

  6. Of course, upon rare occasion, pill mills have come to light and have been found out and closed down. I have had two pain management specialists over the last 23 years after less than successful spine surgeries and have never been over prescribed pain management medication. Fear of the DEA OR our physicians and specialists use due diligence and really do have the patients best interest in mind? I truly believe the latter. Even if the some 55,000 drug overdoses in 2015 and the 60 some thousand deaths at the end of 2017, which is a full year after CDC opioid medication sanctions began are manufactured or totally blamed on prescription medications? What of the reported (by CDC) 10 million or so (maybe another manufactured number, there may be more) intractable pain patients so heavily sanctioned from opioid medication during this “opioid crisis” that job loss, ability loss, activity loss and detrimental psychiatric issues have occurred? WE, the patients with years and decades of nothing but success with responsible use of opioid medications to remain active to the best of our abilities all with records of continued employment, enablement to manage daily activities neccessary to managing personal lives seem to far outnumber unfortunate drug overdoses but, we, the patients of continuous, lifetime pain management problems are just the fallout, the “unintended” victims of lowering drug overdose ? Blaming ALL patients with intractable pain who use opioid medication responsibly, documented by our docotrs in an effective, personally tailored dosage are the cause of ALL drug overdose? Simply rediculous. Another LIE?


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