Live Interview with Dr. Mark Ibsen, MD


Live Interview with Dr. Mark Ibsen, MD


Live Support Group is proud to announce a live interview with Dr. Mark Ibsen on Wednesday April 20th at 9:00 PM EST.  Many of us have heard of Dr. Ibsen and his story of treating his pain patients. Dr. Ibsen will be telling his story up close and personal of how he felt he complied with the Hippocratic Oath and what that cost him both personally and professionally.  

This special event will also provide many of you the opportunity to ask Dr. Ibsen questions regarding his experiences with the new rules and guidelines concerning the use of opiates, his predictions for the future and what we can do to prevent this from happening further.  Please don’t miss this chance to hear from the other side of the exam table!  



7 Responses

  1. And I have created a chat room that people type instead of talking. Just go to the link, create a nickname and join. No password, ignore that.

  2. Would anyone be willing to listen and type to me what is being said during this talk, using gmail’s hangouts? I can’t participate because this is all oral, it’s not visual and I really want to be able to. If so I will give my email to Steve (I use a throwaway for posting that I don’t check, I’ll give my active email) and Steve can give it to the person offering to help.

    I’m really seriously thinking of creating a visual chat room that people can come in at any time during the day and type.

  3. I’m an advocate for anything but chronic pain patients and physicians seem to be the most of my clients. My goal is to have at least 1 physician and a couple of attorneys in every state, we can beat all this nonsense if we have enough that will stand with us.

  4. I’ll be there. I’m also an attacked physician, innocent of all charges, but convicted anyway. I am also an advocate for change.

  5. This is awesome. Dr. Ibsen has not only been illegally prosecuted, but has been morally victimized by the DEA, law enforcement and the judicial system. These immoral officials and agencies are simply attempting to use Dr. Ibsen as an example to prove an invalid point and I truly hope that it blows up in their faces. Dr. Mark Ibsen has become spokesman and a valued advocate for the chronic pain community because of their actions. This interactive public interview is a huge step in direction to not only prove Dr. Ibsen’s dedication to his parents, but also his innocence. Mark Ibsen should be an inspiration to the other doctors around the country who have been victims of the DEA, CDC and their cronies in state law enforcement agencies.
    I am happy to share this article with all the Facebook pages that I follow to get as many participants as possible. I would just like to personally thank Dr. Ibsen for all his efforts to bring awareness of the real epidemic of chronic pain.

  6. Where is this happening

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