A picture is worth a 1000 words .. what is a video worth ?









I really appreciate your website and the information it provides. I was recently denied my daughters ADHD medication at both CVS & Walgreens. We recently moved from OH to IN and I was hoping you could help with some advice on how to file a report.


 I am currently in Walgreens again this morning and I am waiting to see if another pharmacist would be willing to call my daughters doctor to insure that this prescription is a real prescription since the other pharmacist said it was not (valid prescription) and threaten to call the cops if I did not leave. I have never been treated with so much disrespect I am still shocked by it all.

Please advice what action I can take.

This showed up in my inbox today… This is another example of why everyone should video/audio record ALL THEIR INTERACTIONS with the Rx dept staff.  I hope some day that this Pharmacist pulls this trick on a pt that is in the legal profession…Accusing a pt trying to pass a forged Rx… maybe even false arrest… and filing a false police report.

This Pharmacist is accusing the pt of trying to pass a FAKE PRESCRIPTION…  If he knew that it was a FAKE PRESCRIPTION it was his duty to confiscate the prescription. To prevent that it wouldn’t get filled and he should have called the police and had the person arrested..

Why didn’t he ?… probably because he was not POSITIVE that it was a FAKE PRESCRIPTION.  He had NO PROOF.

While Walgreens can’t force a pharmacist to fill a particular prescription.. that is the practice of pharmacy and the chain – itself – is not licensed to practice pharmacy.

I wonder if Walgreens condones such “unprofessional manners” with customers ?

This is another good example why pts with controlled meds should patronize independent pharmacies ( Mom & Pop).  The BIG CHAIN STORES’ revenue is growing at such a pace that the stock market is happy with their revenues/profits. The Independent pharmacy depends on filling prescriptions to put bread/butter on their table.. they are less likely to refuse to fill valid Rxs.

Here is a link that will help you find a independent pharmacy in your area by zip code http://www.ncpanet.org/home/find-your-local-pharmacy

If you have prescription insurance (drug card) … your copay is going to be the same as you pay in the chain.. since your insurance company determines what you pay and is defined in your insurance policy.

5 Responses

  1. Let me tell something about ,”illegal to record w/out their knowledge,,,PROVE IT,, I had a bitch of a nurse that worked for my Doctor,,who did not like me,thought I was faken my thoracic neuropathy for 20 years,,,,3 years ago my x-mas was destroyed,,I got the dreaded your dropped from our pain clinic leeter in the mail for what she claimed was no appointments,,,She had lied before on very important issues,,ie,claiming I filled scripts early,,,Dah,,the pharmacy’s has a record of when u fill your script every month,copied that that mailed it to my Doctor,,,she was constantly late by 1 week every month,,my script is mailed out,,,then she claimed I was constasntly calling every month,,well I called the phone company,,,I called in once a month according to phone records,,Sooo,,I started recording every month when I would call in my scripts,,48 recording,,every one of them asking if I needed an appointment and this nurtse saying NO.,,,i WROTE A REGistered LETTER TO MY DOCTOR OF 20 YEARS,, and a copy of the tape with 48 conversation of me asking if I needed an appointment,,,I got phone call on news years eve from my doctor telling me to come down that monday,,I was back in my pain clinic ,she was fired,,,,,This Febuary,,I was in emergency surgery for a gallbladder soo calcified,soo full of stones,,my pancreas,my liver is permanently scared, the lower chamber of my heart muscle are scared, I had 50 pounds of edema in my body,both ducts were closed for the bile and pancreas,almost died 2ce under anesthtia,,gee do u think that has contributed to my chronic thoracic back pain!!!!Not to mention a huge tumor that had to be removed in my spina;l cord in the thoracic spine,,20 years ago!!!!Point being my chronic thoracic neuropathy is real and this bitch of a nurse thought I was faken it the whole time,,,sooo RECORD AWAY….YOUR LIVES LITERALLY DEPOEND ON IT!!!!!maryw

  2. Let me preface my remarks by saying I am a Pharmacist and I’ve received a number of verified phony or altered prescriptions in over 20 years in the profession, I have always tried to show the utmost respect for my patients, I’ve never told a patient I would not fill something because the script is phony. You just don’t know 100% until you can verify the prescription. Unfortunately, there are some very sophisticated rings of forgers and verifying the veracity of suspect prescriptions is difficult at times. That said, that pharmacy staff should have tried to verify the prescription. The pharmacist should have been able to access the patient’s Ohio PMP file through INSPECT, the Indiana PMP , and seen the patients history. Then they should have called the physician. Over the years, I can only recall two instances when I had to threaten to call the police on a patient, and neither had anything to do with a prescription.

  3. Let them call the cops.
    There is nothing criminal going on here except with the pharmacist is doing
    Film this absurd behavior. But please by all means let the cops come!

  4. BUY A SPY PEN!!!,,,THEY ARE ON EBAY,,IT LOOKS LIKE A REAL PEN,,PUT IT IN YOUR FRONT POCKET,,CAMERA FACING FORWARD,,,RECORD THIS SOB,,THEN CALLL HIS BOSS AND TELL THEM U HAVE HIM ON VIDEO BEING PREJUDICE,,,i recommend those spy pens tooo all of us chronic pain suffers,,,turn them on in your doc’s office,,e.r. anywhere u seek treatment,,,,we have got to fight back people,,jmo,,mary

    • I’m glad to hear about that spy pen as I downloaded something called ACR that I used to record a pharmacist on the phone and we used regular camera at another pharmacy. However, now the phone recorder isn’t working anymore. However, I was told it is illegal to record someone without their knowledge so not sure anything would hold up in court if it came to that.

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