To Pee or Not to Pee … that is the question

How many times has someone heard a Pharmacist complained about no breaks.. even being discouraged from taking bathroom breaks. Some companies dictate no chairs, food, drinks in the Rx area… even when the Pharmacist is expected to work 12-14 hrs. Although, technicians are provided rest breaks and meal breaks without question. In fact many rest […]

Death by misadventure

Death by misadventure: Amy Winehouse died from alcohol, not drug, overdose Can one imagine that if Amy Winehouse had died of a drug overdose.. there would have been more cries to pour more money into the “money pit” called the WAR ON DRUGS…. because of her ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE… where the over consumption of alcohol […]

Walgreens sued for firing diabetic clerk who snacked on job

So you think that your loyalty to your corporate employer will be rewarded? Apparently an employee’s health condition is always to take second place to the company’s policy & procedures. Of course, earlier this year Walgreens fired a Pharmacist for fending off a armed robber,0,3266165.story But don’t look at the above link…because it […]