Careful in what you say ….

For the past four years, I have been temping in long term care pharmacies.. about the only time that we talk to office staff is involving oral Rxs for controlled substances. Recently I have been getting calls from a temp service to fill in for a BIG BOX store pharmacy. Not all practices have moved […]

Is there a 50% GAP ?

There is always a number being thrown around that other “civilized countries”  spend HALF per capita on health care that we do… and then the discussion goes into how long a wait that people in other countries have to get services… and other reasons why our system is superior.. which it may be. Routinely, we […]

Your Part D patients could be paying $1,800.00/yr more than necessary

Starting in 2011, the INFAMOUS DONUT HOLE can be partially filled in by others … no matter the income level of the patient. The donut hole itself is ~ 3600.00… and how/when the patient gets their Rxs filled… could mean the difference between the patient paying 92%  or 50% of that figure out of their […]