Get ready for a BUMPY RIDE !

Target, Rite Aid, Walgreens refill drugs without OK, patients say Between this on going investigation and the situation with pharmacy compounding.. the changes that many of us have hoped for in working conditions… may come to pass… but some of the the changes might not be to our liking.. All three RPH’s from NECC has […]

This trail of “bread crums” is getting long and longer

Before meningitis outbreak, firm avoided sanctions From the article: Problems at the New England Compounding Center (NECC) in Framingham, Massachusetts, date as far back as 1999, the year after it began operations, according to hundreds of pages of documents obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request. And the documents show regulators refraining from the […]

Are we missing the point ? Everyone is considered by wait times… satisfaction surveys are based on average wait times… Once again Indys came out on top overall.. Is this a opportunity to educate/train pts how they can get quicker service WITHIN YOUR SYSTEM… How many have approached patients that come in with half-dozen bottles to be refilled and […]

If I did my job like this… I would get my ass fired !

There is more and more information coming out about all of these major compounding pharmacies… producing quantities that would suggest that they are “compounding” in manufacturing quantities. The information has now come out that ONLY TWO STATES that actively monitor compounders  (Texas & Missouri).. There is more information coming out about FDA, MA BOP & […]

When you start stirring this shit.. it really starts to STINK !

Before Meningitis Outbreak, Concern at F.D.A. Over Compounders From the article: only two states that randomly test compounded drugs, Texas and Missouri, significant problems have surfaced. In Texas, a hub of compounding pharmacies, random tests by the state’s pharmacy board over the last several years found that as many as one in four compounded drugs […]

Tomb stones and bureaucratic actions goes hand in hand State to look closer at compounding pharmacies It doesn’t seem to matter what bureaucracy you look at… FDA… FAA… dept of AG… BOP… it seems that it always take mounting tomb stones to get them to get off their asses and shake their complacency. This same BOP – OHIO – didn’t do anything about […]

A few CVS Pharmacists are finding their backbone !,0,1491028.column?page=1 U.S. investigating CVS prescription refills From the article: “Company spokesman Mike DeAngelis said the drugstore chain uses so-called performance metrics to improve operations, not to determine employees’ compensation. “These metrics are among the numerous factors used to measure the effectiveness of our pharmacy services, and it would be inaccurate to describe them as quotas […]

Can you spelling A-U-D-I-T-S ! APNewsBreak: Questions for Medicare in outbreak If what has been alleged .. that NECC .. and other similar compounding pharmacies who are producing quantities/batches that could be consider manufacturing… have been exceeding their pharmacy permit as issued by particular states… is the products they sold… produced ILLEGALLY and any Medicare/Medicaid/Insurance monies paid for these […]

Let’s give the FDA a HAND for doing their job ! NECC News: Another Person Dead, More Fungal Meningitis Lawsuits Filed, and Fungus Found in 50 Vials Per the article: “the FDA has known that NECC was mass-producing drugs since at least December 2006” It was also during this same year that a division – based in the mid-west – of a large public HME […]

Who is to blame ? Drug Shortages Spark Use of Compounders Are the bureaucrats blaming others when they may be at the root of the problem.. It was Congress back in the 70’s that established MAC ( Maximum Allowable Costs) for Medicaid and generics… They are also the ones who mandated REBATES from the brand name medications for Medicaid […]