CVS back in the news !

Pharmacies sure seem to be in the news a lot lately… I guess that CVS didn’t want to miss all the notoriety… as they say.. there is no such thing as “bad press”… unless you are beingĀ  investigated for potential insurance fraud…. can the other major – or minor – corporate pharmacies be far behind […]

My crystal ball

IMO.. the news media’s interest in NECC’s contamination fiasco is on the wane… This weekend will probably be the last we hear about it. That does not mean that there won’t be a lot of behind the scenes activity to “prevent this from happening again”. I can see the behind the scene scramble by such […]

The Hits – or duck and cover – keeps coming !

It took Dennis Miller years to get his material for his bookĀ  PHARMACY EXPOSED 1,000 Things That Can Go Deadly Wrong At the Drugstore NECC ( New England Compounding Center) may create as many issues all by themselves in a matter of weeks or months… First there is this article from The SACRAMENTO BEE Pharmacy […]

They are bringing in the BIG GUNS !… According to this article… NECC has hired the lobby firm Oā€™Neill and Associates that according to their website they areĀ Ā  Boston’s #1 Lobbying firm of 2011… they also have offices in Washington DC. well…Ā  kiddies… can you say DAMAGE CONTROL !!!Ā  To me, looks like they are going to use the Mc Neil […]

NECC Surrenders its license ! This story has just begun… but.. that is little comfort to the now – at last count – 105 pts that have meningitis. The BOP met behind closed doors.. to discuss this issue… and the pharmacy corporation has surrendered their license and shut down the operation. This is just one of such type of […]

Did they cross the line between compounding and manufacturing?

Compounding medications is the “roots” of pharmacy… it was slowly phased out after WWII by the commercial pharmaceutical manufacturer started producing standardized products and the FDA was created. Compounding, since its inception is basically, “personalized therapy” and is exempt from any FDA oversight and under the over sight of the various state Boards of Pharmacy. […]

More information about the money trail

I had previously written about New England Compounding Center (NECC) and their involvement with the tainted Methylprednisolone injection that has killed a number of people because of a fungal contamination It would appear that this company has a “sister company”- also a compounding pharmacy in Framingham, MA called Ameridose I don’t know the […]

Obama administration tells FDA to let compounders copy FDA approved/available drug According to this article: “To be sure, many compounding pharmacies perform well, producing formulations of drugs for specialized needs. Compounders have also provided hospitals and doctors with cheaper alternatives to F.D.A.-approved drugs. For example, they are providing a far cheaper alternative to a drug called Makena, a new brand name version of an old […]

Is this more about money than pt’s care?

video.html?freewheel=90017&sitesection=bostonherald&VID=23835775 This is a video about New England Compounding Center in MASS. and here is the article Apparently this company was put on a one year suspension back in 2006 for their improper procedures. According to the article .. they were not even fined by the BOP. I have a bit of first hand […]

This showed up on

You can read this for yourself… but .. IMO.. this Rx dept manager has “signed on” to the value of metrics and a GOOD THING ! I have been a customer of CVS Pharmacy (Silverlake Store/Pearland, TX 77584) since moving to this area over 7 years ago; and a customer of CVS in general for […]