A term that you may never heard of…

inheritable reasonableness When I was in the HME ( Home Medical Equipment) business… early 80’s to mid-late 90’s.. the real go-go years for HME.. back then referred to as DME ( Durable Medical Equipment). I started just as the DRG’s were being implemented in the hospitals and home nursing services were really gaining ground.. people […]

When the powers to be won’t enforce their own laws

There was a complaint filed with the Indiana Board of Pharmacy… which was referred to the AG’s office… concerning a chain drug store refusing to fill C-II’s without a ICD9 provided by the prescriber.. Didn’t not make any difference if the pt and/or the doctor was known to the pharmacy staff, nor if the pt […]

The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated…

My bog has been very quite of late… I had a group of 10 hr days scheduled in a row plus a 30-45 minute commute each way..  not leaving much time for comments. Thursday night, getting home around 23:00 all hell broke loose.. apparently I had picked up some gastro bug…  and things starting coming […]

10 Things Drugstores Won’t Tell You

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324077704578360492527284364.html IMO.. this author, JEN WIECZNER, must have a quota of articles to write… in reading the  “10 things”  it reminds me of discharging a shot gun… if you are far enough from the target.. the shots within in the discharge will “hit” all over the target.. as they spread out with distance. Are we […]

Someone took the sign literally !