When the servant turns on the master !

I once worked in the pharmacy “BC period” – before computers –  I can remember getting my hands on the first calculator… sold for $100 it was 71-72.. it only had a CLEAR KEY .. no CLEAR ENTRY KEY.. you made a mistake… you started over. Don’t even think about a printer being part of  […]

We may soon run out of “names”

This is going to be a long post.. you might want to get a snack and drink  before you start reading 🙂 My friend Jim Plagakis   http://www.jimplagakis.com has labeled two of the top national chains as “BIG EVIL” and “BIG STUPID”… well it would appear that the third Musketeer has step up to the […]

Maybe we should work like the FAA?

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/22/some-flight-delays-appear-as-faa-furloughs-kick-in-due-to-sequester/ The sequester cut the FAA budgets… so they cut staff and told the flying public that they are just going to have to stand in line… and expect delays… because they want to make sure that the flying public’s safety is their highest priority. Of course, the FAA doesn’t have to show a PROFIT… […]

A New day.. another distressing email

First of all … I have been asked by the law firm that is doing the whistle blower lawsuit in PA.. that I stop referring to them generically.. so here is their website http://bernabeipllc.com/ This firm besides working on this huge whistle blower lawsuit.. has been able to act as a referral source for other […]