If you worked for CVS.. you would have received this !

When the rubber meets the road !

Link to first segment http://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/Perscription-Errors-Pharmacy-CVS-Investigation-246947451.html Link to second segment http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Prescription-for-Error-Pharmacy-Robots–246948651.html Third segment http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Prescription-for-Error-Auto-Refills-247159401.html A few weeks ago I posted this I would sure hate !  It would appear that this investigative reporter from NBC 4 Washington took a interest in all the medication errors that was happening in community pharmacies. Somehow, she ran across the whistle […]

It is time to fish or cut bait !

Over the last year.. I have seen several Pharmacists bloggers come and go.. and some whose blogs have become stagnate and others that may get around to doing a post every month or so. I have watched the number of page views per day on my blog grow dramatically, especially over the last 6 months. […]

More evidence of DEA violating ADA ?

DEA prescription crackdown impacts pharmacists and patients http://www.myfoxal.com/story/24757041/dea-cracks-down-on-prescription-painkillers-with-devestating-local-implications You know it is amazing how our society views discrimination to different “classes” of people .. The other night the local ABC channel was playing back some of the “happenings” in Louisville KY during 1964 and the various marches against discrimination on blacks.. One person that they […]