Ever heard of the 100% club ?

We have heard about the ONE-PERCENT and we have heard about the 47 PER-CENT Rumor has it that this 100% club whose members are Pharmacists who have pledged/agreed to NOT FILL ANY CONTROL RXS during certain hours of  the Pharmacy operation. I have not heard of any independent Pharmacy/Pharmacist joining this club.. so that would […]

Here we go…

Blue Cross Blue Shield: Don’t Take Away My Meds to Prove I’m Sick http://www.change.org/petitions/president-blue-cross-blue-shield-don-t-take-away-my-meds-to-prove-i-m-sick?share_id=DdkObefVFU&utm_campaign=friend_inviter_chat&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition&utm_term=permissions_dialog_true I don’t know about you.. but.. I have a ethical problem with insurance companies wanting to do “step therapy” on a pt whose disease state is stable and being appropriately managed. Personally, I don’t have a problem for step therapy for […]

Three Members of Congress who are – IMO – CLUELESS

House and Senate Bills Call for Zohydro Ban http://www.medpagetoday.com/PainManagement/PainManagement/44772?xid=nl_mpt_DHE_2014-03-15&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DailyHeadlines&utm_source=WC& A estimate 100 million people suffering with chronic pain.. More and more information coming forward that Acetaminophen is not as safe as we were once told… This new drug Zohydro give not only long acting pain management with a existing drug but an advantage for people […]

You scratch my back.. I will scratch yours

Branstad’s board ignores sick Iowans http://qctimes.com/news/opinion/editorial/branstad-s-board-ignores-sick-iowans/article_61f348e4-5ed7-5515-8cfe-a13a2580aec3.html I recently blogged about this BOP’s decision… And they had the hearing because ? From the article: Gov Branstad appointees dominating the Iowa Pharmacy Board declined to reclassify marijuana in a way that could lead to some medical uses. The board voted unanimously for the reclassification in 2010 before […]

who do they think they are kidding ?

Revamp of state’s pharmacy board in works http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/03/15/3996752/revamp-of-states-pharmacy-board.html From the article: The measure would raise from one to three the number of seats reserved for pharmacists representing both small operations and large chain stores. The number of at-large spots, reserved for people with pharmacy licenses, would be reduced from five to one. Two people would […]