Are you in a hostile work environment ?   Is your workplace toxic?   A hostile work environment is an environment in which intimidating, offensive, aggressive, shunning, disruptive, or undermining behavior occurs between team members and interferes with your ability to successfully perform your job without distress. Hostile behavior is directly linked to lowered productivity, reduced patient safety, medication errors, and sentinel […]

What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas !

I received a phone call from theĀ  producer for this series of investigative reports in Las Vegas on how chronic pain patients are being ABUSED by Pharmacies/Pharmacists in the area.. This station has done FIVE STORIES this year on this very issue … PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 […]

How do some of you sleep at night ?

Cancer patients being denied medications by pharmacists From the article: When it comes to denying legitimate patients their prescribed pain meds, how far is too far? Contact 13 has uncovered another group of patients in critical need. One cancer patient was denied her pain medication shortly before she died. The couple loved to travel […]