Document… Document… Document

Had a interesting phone call today… from an employee of that infamous chain/PBM… Apparently this Pharmacist was written up for getting to work at 14 minutes past the hour… per the store’s video system… Apparently this Pharmacist had the habit of  pocketing  the printouts(credentials)  that are generated when they login to the pharmacy system and […]

The DEA claims they are not interferring BUT ?

This showed up as a comment on another of my posts and this could be a major impact on patient health & safety.. if it is true ! My manager just told a story of the DM saying. .. There’s a situation where once you exceed a DEA or manufacturer quota, you will forever have […]

The war on drugs.. the “energizer dog “?

          Heroin use on the rise in United States In this four minute CNN news story.. there are a couple of VERY INTERESTING quotes.. IMO… they were mostly made “off the cuff” and given no real weight within the report. The police officer stated that “the drugs are here to […]