Make a better mouse trap and people will beat a path to your door

NABP Issues Rogue Online Pharmacy Public Health Alert The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) today issued a public health alert to warn Americans about the serious dangers associated with medicines purchased through fake online pharmacies. A report NABP released today on Internet drug outlets found that 96% of 8,000 rogue Web sites analyzed […]

Did someone say Congressional investigation ?

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD) are leading a bicameral investigation into price spikes for generic medications to determine the cause of these dramatic price increases and the effect they have on patients. They have requested NCPA assistance in gathering examples from patients and pharmacists in how these price increases have impacted […]

Fill them faster .. mistakes are just a cost of doing business

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Stolen Insurance info, forged Rxs, fake driver’s license ?

Woman Charged with Rx Fraud for Oxycodone Pills From the article: The Queen Anne’s County sheriff’s office says 38-year-old Tina Marie Karasek has been charged with nearly 380 counts including possession of Oxycodone with intent to distribute. Authorities say Karasek is employed in the medical billing field and handled billing for multiple doctors’ offices. […]