Pharmacists are independent unless employer says otherwise

In regards to your concerns with pharmacies’ refusal to fill prescriptions, there is nothing in in this legislation that would prohibit the pharmacy from filling prescriptions. Please be advised that pharmacists are directed to exercise their independent professional judgment when filling prescriptions. Pharmacists are also required to monitor a patient’s drug therapy and to work […]

BE WELL at the pharmacy that America trusts ?

I have no words ! 🙁 Subject: Walgreen discriminating against me for valid prescription I do not know who to call or who can help. I am currently homeless and we are staying in a hotel for a month now. My husband had a heart attack, we lost income our home our car everything and […]

We have fewer alcoholics by changing the defintion of alcoholism ?

Alcohol Survey Suggests Alcoholism Less Prevalent Than Believed From the article: A recent study based on findings in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that most people who drink “too much” or actually not alcoholics. So… you change the definition of what alcoholism is… and you end up with fewer “alcoholics” […]


Compounding Pharmacy Back in Business After Suing DEA From the article: West Chase Compounding Pharmacy is back in business. After the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) revoked the Tampa-based pharmacy’s registration to sell controlled substances and seized its drugs, the company fought back with a lawsuit. Then, on November 18, 2014, a judge ordered the […]