The Secret Rx War

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Tipline Investigation: The Secret Rx War Taking prescription drugs off the street From article: But on June 16, pharmaceutical manufacturer, McKesson, cut off the Pain Management Pharmacy in Santa Maria where Biliardi would get the drugs that her son needs. Besides Huntington’s, James also suffers from Klinefelter’s Syndrome and […]

If we could treat addicts.. maybe they wouldn’t hold up pharmacies ?

GPS could curb pharmacy robberies FOX23 investigates a crime Tulsa police say skyrocketed in the last year: violent pharmacy robberies. Detectives told FOX23 people are at risk now more than ever as more criminals are following the trend. FOX23’s Sara Whaley found something that could bring the robberies to a halt. Detectives told FOX23 […]

Could working in healthcare be unhealthy ?

Toxic Bosses!/news/local/Toxic-Bosses/283925621  

Who could have seen this coming ?

Nasal Naloxone Price Set to Jump From the article: Eliza Wheeler and several volunteers sit on the floor of her office and pack naloxone kits. They package up rubber gloves, rescue breathing masks, alcohol pads, and two atomizers. And, of course, the key ingredient: two cartridges of nasal naloxone — an old drug that […]