If pts are dying..should we hold the course ?

Opioid Prescriber Monitoring May Increase Overdose Deaths http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/836489 From the article: The qualitative study, aimed at assessing doctor-patient interactions after a prescription monitoring program (PMP) known as “I-STOP,” which was mandated by New York State in 2013, showed that Staten Island prescribers of opioids are refusing patient requests for the drugs, “are abruptly discontinuing long-term […]

I’m not sure if this is satirical or a psychotic episode

To Defeat Heroin We Need to (NOT) Stay the Course http://www.acluohio.org/blog-posts/to-defeat-heroin To combat abuse of heroin and prescription opiate pain killers there are several principles we need to keep in mind and actions we need to take. We must shut down all the pill mill pain clinics, imprison the doctors who run them, and make […]

If objective diseases were treated like subjective diseases ?

Alcohol Prohibition Was A Failure

http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-157.html Per Capita Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages (Gallons of Pure Alcohol) 1910-1929. The 18th Amendment went into effect in 1920 and ended in 1933 Although consumption of alcohol fell at the beginning of Prohibition, it subsequently increased. Alcohol became more dangerous to consume; crime increased and became “organized”; the court and prison systems were stretched […]

Life and death… dollars and cents…which is more important ?

Opinion: Drug-coverage cuts endanger sons’ lives http://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/contributors/2014/11/05/opinion-drug-coverage-cuts-endanger-sons-lives/18514311/ From the story: Pattie Curran is a North Carolina mother whose two sons receive treatment at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s bone marrow clinic. As the mother of two chronically ill children, our family has long faced high health care costs, and it’s getting worse, thanks to companies […]

Dermatologists next on CVS “hit list” ?

CVS MinuteClinics now offer eyelash-lengthening consultations http://www.patriotledger.com/article/20141210/NEWS/141219251/12662/NEWS From the article: QUINCY – CVS Health may be looking to capture a piece of the growing cosmeceutical market by expanding the definition of “wellness” treatment at its 950 MinuteClinics nationwide. In November, MinuteClinics, took a step toward being in the beauty business by starting to offer eyelash-lengthening […]


6 ways your life is personally affected by the War on Drugs http://www.salon.com/2013/09/10/6_ways_your_life_is_personally_affected_by_the_war_on_drugs_partner/ 1) The drug-testing dragnet ensnares millions of unsuspecting Americans each year. 2) Carded at Walgreens. 3) The DEA registration number.4) The DEA designation of marijuana as a Schedule I drug. 4) The DEA designation of marijuana as a Schedule I drug. 5) […]

Catch us if you can ?

Judge restores $1 million punitive award against Walgreens in Fresno pharmacist’s case http://www.fresnobee.com/2014/12/10/4279790_fresno-judge-reinstates-1-million.html?sp=/99/406/&rh=1 From the article: Walgreens’ attorneys, however, contend that Mitri was fired because he was “repeatedly working beyond his scheduled shifts” and continued to do so after the company told him to stop, according to the company’s trial brief. At the time, the […]

Is there really anyone paying attention ?

D.C Week: CMS Addresses Medicare Fraud, ACO Penalties http://www.medpagetoday.com/Washington-Watch/Washington-Watch/48959?xid=nl_mpt_DHE_2014-12-08&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DailyHeadlines&utm_source=ST&eun=g578717d0r& From the article: This week in Washington, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced new regulations to stomp out Medicare fraud The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is issuing new rules to help prevent Medicare fraud and abuse by barring physicians with unpaid […]

Punish the many to try and stop the few

http://ncpanet.wordpress.com/2014/12/10/the-lock-in-pharmacy-approach-to-rx-drug-abuse/#comment-15624 The “Lock-In” Pharmacy Approach to Rx Drug Abuse A proposal to restrict certain Medicare beneficiaries to use only a dedicated, “lock-in” pharmacy for their controlled substances is now a part of legislation introduced by two House lawmakers. House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chair Kevin Brady (R-Texas) and Ranking Member Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) recently proposed […]