exporting American jobs ?

DEA: Surge in meth border seizures sign of Mexican cartels boosting production http://cronkitenewsonline.com/2015/02/dea-surge-in-meth-seizures-at-border-sign-of-mexican-cartels-boosting-production/ A recent increase in methamphetamine seizures at the border suggests that Mexican cartels are seeking to meet demand with meth-making ingredients more difficult to obtain in the U.S., the top drug-enforcement official in Arizona said Wednesday. In the last two years, Arizona […]

I can fix that.. I mean I can delegate that

Lawmakers promise action in response to prescription issues https://www.facebook.com/pharmaciststeve IMO… Rep Dwayne Taylor is a myopic BOZO..  he is taking action for cancer pts… NOT ALL CANCER PTS HAVE PAIN..  what about the other 90%+ of chronic pain pts ?  Just shows how narrow focused his thought process is.  Reaching out to AG Bondi… give […]

Former CVS tech comes forward about lying to pts

  Patients profiled at pharmacy counters By Kean Bauman. CREATED Feb 23, 2015 Patients with legitimate prescriptions are being turned away at the pharmacy window. It’s something Contact 13 has been investigating for more than a year. For the first time, a former insider speaks out exclusively to Darcy Spears to expose how some pharmacists […]

Intergenerational Health

How parents and grandparents influence our risk of mental illness, substance abuse, and other disorders. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2015/01/intergenerational_health_disparities_parents_influence_mental_illness_and.html We as a country have recently begun the difficult and important conversation about social mobility and intergenerational wealth. A related—though less discussed—problem is that of intergenerational health. It is increasingly clear that our health is powerfully shaped by our […]

The HUMAN SIDE of pain ?

Eastham man relies on OxyContin to relieve his chronic back pain This pt lives in the East Hampton, Mass area.. I wonder how he fared having not to be able to get a refill until he is out of medication… with all the SIX FEET of snow the area received recently…  Hopefully, it was not […]

NEWS FLASH – illegal “bathtub drugs” are dangerous

  The party drug that sent 10 Wesleyan students to the hospital is more dangerous than people realize http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-why-molly-is-incredibly-dangerous-2015-2#ixzz3ScdWk98I At least 10 students at Wesleyan University and two visitors to the school were hospitalized this weekend after reportedly overdosing on “Molly,” a party drug users often consider to be the purest form of Ecstasy. Both […]

This Mother’s concern for an addicted child is UNDER WHELMING

Pain clinic doctor practiced for years after first death complaint http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/criminal/pain-clinic-doctor-practiced-for-years-after-first-death-complaint/2213638 TAMPA — Dana Kittler turned to the Florida Board of Medicine after her 26-year-old son overdosed on painkillers in 2009. She blamed a Pinellas Park doctor who, according to state records, had prescribed him 3,360 oxycodone pills in the year before his death. Related […]

CVS Health willfully violated the federal law against such age discrimination

Jury awards Pell City man $1M in discrimination suit http://www.annistonstar.com/news/article_d58128ae-b955-11e4-860b-afeef4fb6ca8.html#.VOfdvgqGJjZ.facebook A federal jury in Anniston on Thursday awarded more than $1 million in damages to a pharmacist who claimed he was fired from a Pell City CVS because of his age. The Birmingham-based law firm representing the pharmacist, James King, filed a complaint in 2012. […]

Employer loses against firing employee involved in union activity

  Labor Board Judge Orders Hospital to Bargain with RNs, Reinstate Nurse Fired for Union Activity, Stop RN Harassment http://www.wcblegal.com/contact-us Labor Board Judge Orders Hospital to Bargain with RNs, Reinstate Nurse Fired for Union Activity, Stop RN Harassment A federal Administrative Law Judge has issued a scathing ruling against Affinity Medical Center of Massillon, Oh. […]

Is refusing to dispense the right dose the same as dispensing the wrong dose ?

http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/pharmacist-malpractice-lawyers.html Can I Sue My Pharmacist for Malpractice? Pharmacists, like other skilled professionals, have a duty to exercise a certain level of care to prevent injuries to their patients. Pharmacists may be sued for malpractice if they caused an injury by falling below this level of care. What Legal Responsibilities Does My Pharmacist Have? A […]