When the CRACKS in the system are big enough to KILL PATIENTS !

Emergency insulin could have saved man’s life http://www.wkyc.com/story/news/health/2015/02/11/emergency-insulin/23276399/ He shouldn’t be dead. Kevin Houdeshell. Thirty-six-years-old. Diabetic. Good looking boy next door, says sister, Amy Houdeshell. “That one-in-a-million one a mother would love her daughter to bring home to the family,” she said. But an expired prescription for insulin was his death sentence. “He was young, […]

How To Select Best Dog Food?

Whаt ѕhоuld I feed mу dog? Thіѕ іѕ a question mоѕt people аrе concerned аbоut whеn thеу buy thеіr fіrѕt dog but it’s аlѕо ѕоmеthіng thаt requires a certain аmоunt оf flexibility. A dog’s diet ѕhоuld bе nutritious аnd well-balanced аѕ a poor diet соuld hаvе a profound effect оn уоur dog’s health аnd аlѕо […]

We are a civilized & compassionate country ?

California Cancer Patient Suing California for the Right to End her Own Life http://www.raredr.com/articles/California-Cancer-Patient-Die-Dignity According to a Reuters report, a 53-year-old person with leukemia and living in California is suing the state for the right to commit physician-assisted suicide. The patient, Christine White said in a statement: “I am suing the State of California to […]

Has law enforcement became all about fines and cash flow to the FEDS ?

http://www.wnd.com/2015/02/whistleblower-ag-nominee-in-1-billion-obama-cover-up/ NEW YORK – New revelations are emerging that could implicate Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s attorney general nominee, in the world’s largest banking scandal. As a result of HSBC agreeing to a settlement requiring the international bank holding company to pay the U.S. government more than $1.2 billion in fines for money laundering, Lynch’s office agreed in […]

Just another day at WAGS on the corner of … be well …

WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco http://www.wsvn.com/story/28098093/customers-caught-off-guard-during-armed-robbery-of-dania-beach-walgreens DANIA BEACH, Fla. (WSVN) — A simple trip to a South Florida Walgreens turned frightening for two people who found themselves staring down the barrel of a gun, and it was all caught on camera. Jessica Young was already paying for her items. Jon Pawlowski […]

Civics 101 We the people

I hear from chronic pain pts and others with subjective diseases daily… not being able to get their medically necessary medications.. Some say that someone needs to sue someone… great idea.. except for the fact that you sue any of the BIG BOYS.. they have “hot & cold running attorneys” on retainer..  They would not […]

It’s the company’s policy ?

This is very interesting… WAGS continue to make public statements that they cannot force a pharmacist to fill a Rx.. and that it is the professional discretion of each of the Pharmacist to decide to fill or not to fill. It appears to me that this Pharmacist clearly states that he is following COMPANY POLICY […]

Battles Over Hospital-Wide Nurse Staffing Ratios Persist

Battles Over Hospital-Wide Nurse Staffing Ratios Persist http://www.healthleadersmedia.com/content/HR-312972/Battles-Over-HospitalWide-Staffing-Ratios-Persist.html Unionized nurses and their supporters cite a clear correlation between staffing ratios and quality of care and are calling for new laws. But hospital associations say there’s a lack of conclusive data. State health policy analysts in Massachusetts and Minnesota are fighting new battles in the ongoing […]

Drug war causing street price of legal drugs to skyrocket ?

Heroin deaths on the rise in Tampa Bay http://www.wfla.com/story/28073721/heroin-deaths-on-the-rise-in-tampa-bay I am beginning to wonder who held all of these people down at one time and forced them to start taking opiates… until the point that they were uncontrollably “hooked” on these opiates.. Did anyone notice in the film, the this young woman said she did […]

You can drag a horse to water .. you can’t make them drink ?

This study was conducted by CVS… I guess the premise is that Pharmacists don’t have enough influence to get a pt to take their chronic pain medications.. of course the first two calls were by a ROBOT … so I guess they would bring in the “BIG GUNS” and have nurses call up pts and […]