Nationwide Recall of Toradol

Nationwide Recall of Toradol Toradol, also known as Ketorolac, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is used on a short term basis to treat severe pain. It can be taken as a pill, used as an injection or given through an IV. It is often used to reduce fever, pain and swelling. For […]

We care about human suffering.. as long as it doesn’t take opiates to resolve ?

The Unexpected Consequences Of The War On Drugs For decades, the World Health Organization has designated pain treatment as a fundamental human right. Nonetheless, about 75 percent of the global population still doesn’t have access to basic pain relief medications, according to a new report from United Nations researchers — which means that about […]

Just like a “good neighbor” we take as much money out of the community as we can ?

Walgreens and CVS Declare War on Property Taxes How to slash your tax bill by 50 percent Walgreens boasts convenient locations, a wide array of products, and a killer tax strategy. When it works, local tax officials warn, kids and homeowners suffer. In the fall of 2012, county tax officials in Kentucky began preparing for […]

Doctors of Pharmacy (PharmD’s) providing “MANGLED CARE ” ?

Local pharmacies refuse to fill teen’s autism prescription Teen’s mom drives 4 hours to fill prescription OCALA, Fla. —As a child, Keara was diagnosed with a rare form of autism. At 16, she no longer suffers seizures, and her symptoms are under control. Doctors: Cancer patients being denied medicine WESH 2’s Matt Grant discusses […]

Medication in “concrete” to prevent abuse ?

Tamper-Proof Pills WSVN — Prescriptions for powerful painkillers have tripled in the past 12 years, with more people becoming addicted as a result. But local researchers are using new technology to create “tamper-proof pills” that can save lives. Investigative reporter Carmel Cafiero is on the case.Cory Lewis spent years addicted to prescription painkillers. The […]