You may need a higher dose of opiates to manage your pain because …

Cytochrome P450 Testing In High-dose Opioid Patients Severe, chronic pain patients who seek opioid dosages above normal standards should now be tested for genetic cytochrome P450 deficiencies. While it is common knowledge that the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzyme system is critical for the metabolism of some opioids, genotype testing of pain patients for CYP450 […]

Consequences of unrelieved chronic pain ?

Understanding the physiological effects of unrelieved pain A noxious stimulus or pain is a stressor that can threaten homeostasis (a steady physiological state). The adaptive response to such a stress involves physiological changes that, in the initial stages, are useful and are also potentially life-saving. Peripheral adaptation involves moving energy substrates from storage sites […]

When corporations have to chose between pt safety and profit …guess ???

After Target wage hike, labor groups turn to drugstore chains Major drug chains are already cutting staffing in the Rx dept… even with Rx volume is increasing… med errors are increasing dramatically… 90% + of the Rxs are billed to PBM’s  (Express Scripts..etc..etc..) who controls what reimbursements are.  Guess what is going to happen […]