Former DEA agent speaks out in support of legalizing recreational marijuana

Former DEA agent speaks out in support of legalizing recreational marijuana Finn Selander spent his career fighting the drug war. As a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent, he served as the DEA’s Marijuana Coordinator in Miami and New Mexico for six years, conducting marijuana investigations. He told the ABC15 Investigators he’s put a […]

FIVE FOLD med error on 22 month old… Parents tend to want to do what’s best for their kids and that includes getting them medicine when they need it. But how do parents know what they are given at the pharmacy is what the doctor prescribed? Counting pills, filling bottles, mixing liquids, filling different bottles — it’s a routine pharmacists everywhere do […]

McKesson said it would pay $150 million settles investigation on controlled substances

McKesson settles investigation on controlled substances (Reuters) – U.S. drug wholesaler McKesson Corp said it settled with several federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, claims alleging suspicious order reporting practices for controlled substances. The company said it would pay $150 million and suspend at least three distribution centers’ registrations for two years in […]

They do the crime.. they pay the fine.. and NO ONE DOES THE TIME !

Express Scripts unit to pay $60 mln over Novartis kickbacks, US says (Reuters) – U.S. authorities said on Friday that a unit of Express Scripts Holding Co will pay $60 million to resolve claims that it participated in a kickback scheme with Novartis AG to boost sales of a drug that led to improper […]

3 get life in prison without parole in slaying of Chester Rite Aid manager during holdup

3 get life in prison without parole in slaying of Chester Rite Aid manager during holdup MEDIA COURTHOUSE >> Three Philadelphians convicted of murder in the September 2013 shooting death of Jason Scott McClay inside a Chester Rite Aid were sentenced Friday to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Tariq Mahmud, 25, […]