Tim McCue, the DEA agent involved in an infamous KCK road rage incident, is now a recruiter for the agency

Tim McCue, the DEA agent involved in an infamous KCK road rage incident, is now a recruiter for the agency http://www.pitch.com/FastPitch/archives/2015/05/18/tim-mccue-the-dea-agent-involved-in-an-infamous-kck-road-rage-incident-is-now-a-recruiter-for-the-agency When the Drug Enforcement Agency goes prospecting for new agents in the Midwest, who do they send out as the face of the organization? A man who best known for perpetrating an infamous road […]

CVS employees creating a hostile work environment ?

PD: CVS workers beat robbery suspect in store INDIANAPOLIS — Workers at a downtown Indianapolis CVS had to go into defense mode when a man jumped behind the counter early Monday in an attempt to rob the store. Just after 7 a.m., police were called to the CVS at the intersection of 16th and Meridian […]

Cops now need probably cause… not just an OPINION

Supreme Court: Cops can’t hold suspects to wait for drug-sniffing dog The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Tuesday that the Constitution forbids police from holding a suspect without probable cause, even for fewer than 10 extra minutes. Writing on behalf of the court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg declared that the constitutional protections against unreasonable search […]

I Live In Chronic Pain


regulatory board controlled by professionals is not immune from antitrust law

Court ruling sparks request to review Oklahoma boards http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/may/17/court-ruling-sparks-request-to-review-oklahoma-boa/ OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) – Three consumer organizations have asked Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to review the composition of Oklahoma’s numerous licensing boards to determine whether board members are vulnerable to criminal and civil antitrust actions. Letters were sent to Pruitt and the attorneys general of […]

The price of Cocaine on the street… can you hear it dropping ?

Defying U.S., Colombia Halts Aerial Spraying of Crops Used to Make Cocaine http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/15/world/americas/colombia-halts-us-backed-spraying-of-illegal-coca-crops.html?_r=2 BOGOTÁ, Colombia — The government of Colombia on Thursday night rejected a major tool in the American-backed antidrug campaign — ordering a halt to the aerial spraying of the country’s vast illegal plantings of coca, the crop used to make cocaine, citing concerns that […]

Unintended consequences of misguided “morally good intentions”?

New DEA rule leaves patients in pain http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/healthcare/241982-new-dea-rule-leaves-patients-in-pain My Dad took the term “spring break” literally. About a month ago, my 61-year-old father fell off a ladder while trimming some trees. After several long hours in the ER, he learned that his leg was severely injured and would require surgery. He was sent home with […]

Person sues Walgreens over false arrest over forged Rx

corbettvswags   <<—- full *.pdf lawsuit Person has wallet/purse stolen… someone uses her driver’s license to pass forged Rx for controlled substance… Walgreen’s Pharmacist has person on the driver’s license arrested… OPPS ?

Poor James… the victim of drug abuse ?

https://youtu.be/UN0QA1rnJps Here is James video on youtube.com … part of the CDC program drawing attention to drug/substance abuse… IMO.. James believes that he is a VICTIM of the potentially addicting properties of controlled substances…  He started smoking MJ and drinking alcohol … “like everyone else did”… then graduated to “nerve pills”.. which graduated to “pain […]

Counterfeits … they’re everywhere…. everywhere …

ABC News Investigation Into Counterfeit Prescription Drug Operations in the US http://abcnews.go.com/Health/abc-news-investigation-counterfeit-prescription-drug-operations-us/story?id=31077758 ABC 20/20 had a full hour on counterfeit products … just about everything.. from medication… shoes.. clothing… We know that people tried to forge Rxs… we know that people try to forge ID’s… we know that hackers have gotten into all kinds of […]