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Death rate UP 23 % since 2000 !

U.S. Deaths Due to High Blood Pressure Keep Rising: CDC U.S. Deaths Due to High Blood Pressure Keep Rising: CDC Most marked increases seen in those aged 45 to 64 and those over 85 THURSDAY, March 26, 2015 (HealthDay News) — The overall death rate from high blood pressure in the United States has […]

This woman took the phrase “pharmacy crawl ” literally

Police: Woman crawled through Kmart ceiling to steal drugs Stephanie Butler, 30, is charged with burglary, four counts of drug possession, child neglect and theft. VIDEO: Police: Woman crawls through ceiling to rob Kmart pharmacy According to court documents, officers were called to the store, located at 1450 Summit Ave. in Oconomowoc, for a report […]

why does our society support denial of care ? Addiction is a mental health issue, doesn’t matter if it an addiction to alcohol, nicotine, controlled substances, gambling.. each has their own specific  ICD9 (  International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision ) billing code. You can be addicted to gambling and in fact there is a wide assortment of gambling venues that are licensed […]

When the CURE is worse than the DISEASE ?

The law firm with doctors & nurses on staff On behalf of Barry D. Lang, M.D., & Associates posted in Anesthesia & Medication Errors on Friday, May 8, 2015. As technology advances in Newton and across the United States, what was meant to help medical professionals improve their treatment of patients is, in reality, […]

Another proposed discrimination of pts with non-cancer pain ?

Congress, Help Combat Prescription Drug Abuse | Commentary Prescription drug abuse has become an epidemic, with 16,000 people dying in the United States each year from overdoses of prescription pain relievers. In 2011, the most recent year for which reliable data exists, nearly a quarter of a million Medicare beneficiaries took potentially life-threatening doses […]

Civil Forfeiture for DUMMIES – Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

The DEA continued to claim Wednesday that pharmacists who refuse to fill real prescriptions are not doing their jobs

DEA, FDA discuss prescription problems at U.S. Senate hearing      VIDEO ON WEBSITE The U.S. Senate took up the issue of patients with legitimate scrips for medicine being denied prescriptions at the pharmacy counter. “I am immensely proud of the DEA work that I saw,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) said. The Drug […]

Amazing how $$ can change our society’s thoughts on addicts

In case you’re overdosing Pharmacists in California can now provide opioid overdose antidote It’s now legal for pharmacists in California to hand over an antidote for opioid overdose without a prescription. Following last year’s passage of AB 1535 by Assemblyman Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica), in April the state Board of Pharmacy approved making naloxone […]

GUESS WHAT ? GAO study says DEA policies is causing medication shortages ?

Government Report Slams DEA for Oversight of Drug Production Quota System Shortages of some pharmaceutical products could be alleviated if the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) coordinated its efforts to control the supply of some drugs more closely with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a new government report has found. Background In the […]