Who is going to oversee the DOJ/DEA are enforcing this new law ?

Congress Passes Three Amendments To Stop DEA From Undermining State Marijuana Laws http://www.theweedblog.com/congress-passes-three-amendments-to-stop-dea-from-undermining-state-marijuana-laws/ Legislators passed three amendments today to prohibit the DEA and U.S. Department of Justice from undermining state marijuana laws, as part of the U.S. House of Representatives’ consideration of the Fiscal Year 2016 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill. A fourth amendment failed. […]

Pharmacists are part of the “HEALTHCARE TEAM ” ?

Hi, i stumbled upon you while google searching possible actions i could take to file a complaint against a pharmacist and i was hoping you could give me more information for possible actions i can take. I think i should give you my background so you can better understand. I am a 46 year old […]

Takes investigative reporter to get Aetna mail order pharmacy to GET IT RIGHT ?

I’m not comfortable .. let me count the ways ?

Hello Steve my name is J, I’m a disabled person living in palm beach, Florida who’s having an impossible time obtaining my necessary medications. I’ve gone to the same neurologist/specialist for almost 15 years and he prescribes me (60) 10mg percocet, 500mg Depakote, 100mg Sumatriptan, and (30) 50mg Vyvance, and 40mg Prozac per month. I […]

Most of the requests were “never reviewed by federal judges or Justice Department lawyers,”

DEA surveillance has tripled during last decade – report http://rt.com/usa/264645-dea-eavesdropping-wiretap-requests/ Federal drug cops in the United States are conducting electronic eavesdropping three times as often as they were nearly a decade ago, new records reveal. US Drug Enforcement Agency data obtained by USA Today show that the number of annual requests filed for wiretaps and […]

If you are in jail and denied your meds… the ACLU will come to your rescue

Lawsuit sought over squalid conditions at Baltimore jail http://www.wbaltv.com/news/lawsuit-sought-over-squalid-conditions-at-jail/33353804 BALTIMORE —Moldy showers and cells are infested with mice and cockroaches, toilets are broken for days and medical care is poor or nonexistent at a notoriously troubled Baltimore City Detention Center, the ACLU and Public Justice Center said in court documents filed in federal court on […]

Patients scramble after CVS says it will no longer fill group’s controlled drug prescriptions

Patients scramble after CVS says it will no longer fill group’s controlled drug prescriptions http://www.trinityjournal.com/news/local/article_5e0cc28e-099a-11e5-827c-03c09bc8abe3.html Patients of the Trinity Alps Medical Group are scrambling after the CVS Pharmacy in Weaverville announced it will no longer fill any controlled drug prescriptions for patients of the group. The decision affects patients of Dr. Stemple, physician’s assistant Julie […]

House added another $23 million in cuts to DEA salaries and administrative expenses.

Sex parties cost DEA millions in funding cuts http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/sex-parties-cost-dea-millions-in-funding-cuts/article/2565507 The House got its revenge late Tuesday night against the Drug Enforcement Administration by cutting millions of dollars in funding for the agency, after it was revealed in March that DEA officials participated in “sex parties” in Colombia with prostitutes. The Office of Inspector General for […]

Benton Police Chief Kirk Lane… 4th Amendment gets in our way ?

Law Change to Expand Law Enforcement Access to Prescription Drug Monitoring Program http://www.arkansasmatters.com/story/d/story/law-change-to-expand-law-enforcement-access-to-pre/20391/hx2UlB9LDUS6qqZlEaqWnA LITTLE ROCK, AR – A change to the law during the most recent legislative session will expand access of the state prescription drug monitoring program to certified law enforcement without a search warrant in an effort, supporters say, to curb rising problems […]

Obamacare hikes as high as 60% for certain plans in certain locations for 2016

Obamacare sticker shock: Big rate hikes proposed for 2016 http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/02/news/economy/obamacare-rates/index.html Hold onto your wallets … many insurers want to substantially hike rates on Obamacare policies for 2016. Many are proposing double-digit premium increases for individual policies, with some companies looking to boost rates more than 60%, according to a list posted Monday by the federal […]