Too many middlemen’s cost and not enough direct pt care ? This article is a very scary article.. because the youngest baby boomer is now turning 51 this year… and the oldest is turning 69… For the last 3-4 decades we have been creating this infrastructure to help our health system to save money.. while attempting to assure some sort of positive health outcomes.. What […]

Insincerity is the worse kind of hypocrisy ?

McKesson improves patient outreach with new call center This is one of the three major drug wholesalers that control 80%+ of the prescription medication distribution market… who claims that they are using statistical analysis to make sure that community pharmacies have the controlled meds they need to meet their pt’s needs… but … pts […]

We only TORTURE the prisoners of the war on drugs ? 30 years. That’s how long Shona Banda could spend in prison for her use of medical marijuana. She’s about to turn herself in to authorities on Monday, and I’m writing to ask for your help. Thousands of you signed a petition to support Shona last month after I wrote to you about her terrifying […]

Stories that change by the day ?

I have known or encountered some healthcare professionals that seems to have stopped learning once they got their diploma and/or license. As if, they had learned everything that they would need to know while they were in school.. Unfortunately, what medical science knows is dwarfed by what it doesn’t know about how the human body […]

Denial of care by health insurance using “technicalities” to protect their bottom line ? Trending petition Steve – There’s a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it. Petitioning Connecticut General Assembly Support SB-418 Petition by Laurie Torres West Hartford, Connecticut 1,555 Supporters Sign Laurie’s petition THE PROBLEM: Under existing Connecticut law, a health insurance company can deny coverage […]