Could this law outlaw “torture” for those involved in the war on drugs ?

Torture is a war crime the government treats like a policy debate The Senate commendably passed an amendment “outlawing” torture by a wide margin on Monday, but given that torture is already against the law – both through existing US statute and by international treaty – what does that really mean? The bill, a […]

Best way not to die from a opiate overdose ?… don’t take/abuse opiates ?

Clinicians Reluctant To Prescribe Naloxone for Opioid Overdose Many factors including questions about risk and reluctance to offend patients hinder clinicians’ willingness to prescribe a potentially lifesaving medication that counteracts the effects of an opioid overdose, according to a Kaiser Permanente Colorado study (J Gen Intern Med 2015 Jun 9. [Epub ahead of print]).  […]

The Hippocratic Oath: do not harm.. unless opiates are involved ?


Pharmacies “price gouging” pts and insurance companies committing fraud ?

WESH 2 investigates prescription pill pricing Local patients complain of expensive medication What is being missed here.. is if the pt has insurance.. and the pharmacy is listed on the insurance company’s website as part of their participating pharmacy network.. then they are contractually obligated to fill/bill and accept the insurance company’s allowable amount for […]

The pair blame the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agent Lee Lucas and others for what they characterized as a bogus arrest.

Appeals court revives lawsuits filed against DEA agent in corrupted Mansfield drug investigation CINCINNATI, Ohio — A federal appeals court has revived a pair of civil-rights lawsuits filed by two men who were framed in a Mansfield drug investigation marred by a lying confidential informant and a federal agent believed to have known about […]

DEA administrative subpoenas could not be used to get information from the state-operated PDMP because doing so would violate the Fourth Amendment

Does the DEA Need a Warrant to Get PDMP Database Information? ISSUE OF THE CASE Can the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) use an “administrative subpoena” to obtain information from a database of transactions maintained by a state government of prescriptions of controlled substances, or is the expectation of privacy of such information so […]

But only 7% of them get treatment for both conditions, with a staggering 56% receiving no treatment at all,

Mother who lost mentally ill addicted son: The system is ‘broken’ Barbara Theodosiou anxiously awaited each text and call. Still, her stomach turned every time her phone would ring or vibrate. Every time there was a knock at the door. Sometimes, she would even turn her phone off at night — the fear of […]