Walgreens being sued for violation of Illinois’ Restroom Access Act

Suit: Woman with Crohn’s disease denied bathroom access at two area businesses http://www.wlsam.com/2015/06/30/suit-woman-with-crohns-disease-denied-bathroom-access-at-two-area-businesses/ (CHICAGO) A lawsuit has been filed against two Chicago-area businesses that allegedly denied bathroom access to a woman with Crohn’s disease, a violation of Illinois’ Restroom Access Act. In the suit filed Monday in Cook County Circuit Court, the woman alleges that despite […]

Dividing up the “SPOILS OF WAR ” ?

Drug cops took a college kid’s savings and now 13 police departments want a cut http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/06/30/drug-cops-took-a-college-kids-life-savings-and-now-13-police-departments-want-a-cut/ In February 2014, Drug Enforcement Administration task force officers at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport seized $11,000 in cash from 24-year-old college student Charles Clarke. They didn’t find any guns, drugs or contraband on him. But, according to an affidavit filled out by one of the […]


Government action on the nation’s heroin problem http://www.carolinalive.com/news/story.aspx?id=1225079#.VZXXZEaui1w (SBG) — A new report that shows despite a major increase in seizures of heroin, the government simply can’t keep up with the growing demand. Like so many of this country’s challenges, the foundation of this one is money. The price of heroin dropped immensely from nearly […]

DEA suing State of Utah over illegal access to PMP ?

Utah Medical Privacy Bill Receives Pushback from DEA http://healthitsecurity.com/news/utah-medical-privacy-bill-receives-pushback-from-dea A medical privacy bill went into effect in Utah earlier this year, requiring police agencies to get a warrant from a judge before searching the state’s controlled-substance database. However, the US Drug Enforcement Administration may sue Utah over the restricted access. DEA investigator Robert Churchwell sent […]

Dirty Laundry and Florida’s judicial system

http://pubsys.miamiherald.com/static/media/projects/2015/license-to-launder/doral.html Bal Harbour police exposed a vast network of businesses, many in the Doral area, that were used by drug cartels and other criminal groups to launder millions. In the end, no one was ever charged. No company owners were arrested by the Tri-County Task Force, nor were they targeted with civil actions to seize […]

Cost of doing business… med errors at the pharmacy counter ?

Medicine Mistakes At Your Pharmacy http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2015/07/01/medicine-mistakes-at-your-pharmacy/#.VZWPmWknfLg.blogger NORTH TEXAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – A 10-year-old suffered a narcotics “intoxication” after she was given methadone rather than methlyn to treat attention deficit disorder at a North Texas Brookshire pharmacy. A six-month old began “vomiting” after getting a far too powerful dose of acid reflux medicine from a […]

Do the crime… pay the fine.. admit no wrong doing… no one goes to jail

Walgreen settles Medicaid false billing case in New York http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/29/walgreenboots-settlement-medicaid-fraud-idUSL2N0ZF19620150629 Walgreen Cо wіll pay $2.55 million tо settle charges bу New York’s attorney general thаt a pharmacy unit improperly billed Medicaid fоr costly drugs tо treat hemophilia patients, wіthоut proof thаt іt actually delivered thе drugs tо thоѕе patients. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman оn Monday […]