Big companies being sued for colluding and trying to deny pt of care ?

Compounding pharmacy states valid conspiracy claims against prescription benefit manager Does this sound familiar … three companies that dominate a market… that have colluded to restrict trade ?  The question has to be asked… why is three major drug wholesalers that dominate a market.. are allowed to restrict community pharmacies purchases of controlled meds […]

More statistical lies ?

Opioid Abuse in People with Chronic Back Pain IMO.. this study was poorly designed with only 55 pts and lasted only six months… and chose pts with psychiatric disorders .. including depression and anxiety. Since the vast majority of chronic pain pts with poorly treated pain.. will experience depression and anxiety. I have to […]

The DEA appears to “eat their own” ?

Watch the latest video at ‘Playing army’: Military reservists with DEA jobs say agency bosses ridiculed their service More than a dozen senior Drug Enforcement Administration agents who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan as military reservists claim their bosses within the law enforcement agency ridiculed their service, assigned them to jobs their war […]