I thought that #CVS was going to start selling Naloxone without a Rx ?

Police save man overdosing at CVS  http://www.eagletribune.com/news/merrimack_valley/police-save-man-overdosing-at-cvs/article_2947df67-3d4d-59d8-befc-1a44a7b33d5c.html I guess that having insurance coverage and/or CASH… was left out of those press releases about making Naloxone readily available in their stores. Maybe the Pharmacist was “NOT COMFORTABLE” dispensing/selling the Naloxone or believes that addicts deserve whatever they get from abusing some substance. NORTH ANDOVER — A […]

More 20th century solutions to catch 21 st century criminals

Elected officials, DEA consider solutions to heroin epidemic http://www.timesonline.com/news/health/elected-officials-dea-consider-solutions-to-heroin-epidemic/article_adf5542e-738e-11e5-9d44-9bf79084f47c.html PITTSBURGH — As overdose deaths increase across the country, elected officials and law enforcement agencies are recognizing a need for action and legislation that addresses the epidemic of opioid abuse. In order to introduce a new act aimed to stop rampant use of prescription medication in […]

Former Ins Exec… now Gov Mass… self declared medical expert ?

Baker bill looks to address scourge of opioid abuse https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/10/15/baker-unveil-opioid-bill-looking-address-crisis/JY30aFl1N5sQlHz4kKSRiL/story.html Just imagine giving a pt a “72 hr supply” of a opiate/pain management on Thursday or Friday and it is insufficient and they run out over the weekend… so that they end up at a ER… being tagged as a “drug seeker” and even if […]