Political hypocrisy ?

Chris Christie dismisses the issue of gambling and addiction but.. in other statements .. he has stated that if he becomes President he would reset the WAR ON DRUGS back to the 70’s… that is not a good thing… I am not for or against Christie nor any of the other 200 candidates that are […]

Some lives do matter… but the media seems to be very selective as to which ones ?

VW emissions cheat estimated to cause 59 premature US deaths http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/29/vw-emissions-estimated-to-cause-59-premature-us-deaths?CMP=ema_565b nearly 500,000 VW diesel cars with “rigged” pollution software.. will kill as many people by the end of 2016 … that mental health depression suicides causes in abt 12 HOURS.. do some lives really not matter ? Nearly 60 people will die prematurely from […]

Does the DEA consider itself ABOVE the LAW ?

DEA Agents Caught Soliciting Prostitutes Rewarded With Light Punishments, Bonus Checks https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20151024/06361432613/dea-agents-caught-soliciting-prostitutes-rewarded-with-light-punishments-bonus-checks.shtml from the saving-throw-on-‘integrity-check’-fails dept At the end of September, Brad Heath and Meghan Hoyer of USA Today published a DEA disciplinary log they’d obtained through an FOIA request. The document was obviously misnamed, as it showed plenty of misconduct by DEA agents, but […]

Is this a good thing or bad thing ?

Google wants to monitor your mental health. You should welcome it into your mind http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/11961415/Google-wants-to-monitor-your-mental-health.-You-should-welcome-it-into-your-mind.html The use of technology to track and treat mental illness is deeply worrying but sadly necessary Next week, Dr Tom Insel leaves his post as head of the US National Institute of Mental Health, a job that made him America’s […]