Lawmakers offer alternative to cold medicine sales crackdown

Lawmakers offer alternative to cold medicine sales crackdown ANOTHER UNFUNDED MANDATE … requiring Pharmacist to DIAGNOSE… which they are neither trained nor licensed to do… BUT then .. legislators seldom seem concerned about what is legal or illegal.. they just propose bills.. create laws… hoping that no one challenges the law in court as […]

Who believes that the DEA’s “promise” has any value ?

EFF and Human Rights Watch force DEA to destroy its mass surveillance database The EFF has just settled a case against the Drug Enforcement Agency on behalf of its client, Human Rights Watch, which sued the Agency over its decades-long program of illegal mass surveillance. The DEA has promised — on penalty of perjury […]

Rosenberg is “an example of an inept, misinformed zealot who has mismanaged America’s failed policy of marijuana prohibition

Congressman Slams DEA Head for Medical Marijuana Comments One of Congress’s leading proponents of marijuana legalization has weighed in on a petition demanding that the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) be fired for calling medical cannabis a “joke.” Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) said it is “outrageous” for acting DEA head Chuck Rosenberg to “trivialize” the […]

DEA/Drug Czar… opiates cause addiction… no exception ?

A New Direction On Drugs This is the 60 MINUTES piece with the new DEA Chief/ Drug Czar Michael Botticelli .. This is the fellow who stated that MJ was a JOKE.. and it was the same person whom there was a 101,000 petition delivered calling for his resignation/fired. As this piece started.. I […]

Dr. Sanjay Gupta We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States (regarding cannabis)

Tennessee must get with the times on medical marijuana Saying that medical marijuana will “do more harm than good” at a recent legislative hearing, state Health Commissioner John Dreyzehner did actual harm to the hopes of thousands of hurting Tennesseans who need real help right now. And right now is the time for state lawmakers […]