Our elected Federal politicians BAIL on MJ/MMJ bill as they dashed out of town for Xmas break ?

Congress: A Buzzkill for Weed in 2015 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/12/28/congress-a-buzzkill-for-weed-in-2015.html While 2015 was a great year for weed on the state level, federal lawmakers still proved pretty square. For pot fans, 2015 was a money year on the state level but Congress proved a reliable buzzkill, yet again, for the greenest lobby in town. In the rush […]

virtually every pharmaceutical company has been rigging tests for years to make the drugs we take look safer than they really are

U.S. needs better regulation of drug development http://www.philly.com/philly/health/20151227_U_S__needs_better_regulation_of_drug_development.html#6eiZwk2QIVk5Cw1u.99 Over the last weeks, we have learned that major companies that make products we trust, like Volkswagen’s diesel engines and Takata’s air bags, have devised ways to rig test results so they look cleaner and safer than they really are. Yet far more widespread manipulation of test […]