They don’t feel your pain.. so why should they prescribe you opiates ?

Hospital’s Opioid Guidelines Had Significant Impact An opioid prescribing guideline adopted in 2013 at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia may provide a sneak peek at the possible impact of similar guidelines being considered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Temple University’s guidelines, which discourage opioid prescribing for many emergency room patients […]

Members of Congress beat out telemarketers and lobbyists BUT NOT CAR SALESMEN… and we keep reelecting these people ?–latest-gallup-ethics-poll Members of Congress beat out telemarketers and lobbyists BUT NOT CAR SALESMEN… and we keep reelecting these people ?

Central Oregon docs start project to curb opiate abuse

Central Oregon docs start project to curb opiate abuse Daily drug limit standards will take effect in 2016 In 2016, a community standard will limit the daily dose of opiate drugs prescribed for Central Oregon’s Medicaid patients: No more than the equivalent of 120 milligrams of morphine. It’s a standard that’s already in use […]

A Former Federal Peer Reviewer’s Analysis of the Draft CDC Guidelines

A Former Federal Peer Reviewer’s Analysis of the Draft CDC Guidelines In my former life prior to chronic pain and illness I had many important and fascinating jobs.  One was as a peer reviewer for the United States National Institutes for Health (NIH), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), and Substance Abuse and Mental […]

A very interesting study

This appears to be a legal evaluation of the potential claims/damages of a side effects of a pediatric medication because it was not dispensed in a amber glass bottle as opposed to the standard amber plastic bottle.. even though there was not information from the manufacturer of the restriction.  No apparent permanent harm to the […]

Let’s hope that we have reached the bottom and the only way is up !

This showed up in my inbox. It is my understanding that TENN had a chronic pain pt’s bill of rights which the legislature recently REPEALED… how often have you ever heard of a LAW BEING REPEALED ? Has anyone checked … have they repealed our Constitution and our Bill of Rights ? Was repealing the […]