A covert “GENOCIDE” using our healthcare system

Genocide is the intent to systematically eliminate a racial, ethnic, religious, cultural or national group. Well-known examples of genocide include the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide, the Cambodian Genocide, and more recently the Rwandan Genocide and the Bosnian Genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide This post may be viewed by some as politically incorrect… I don’t […]

we really have to focus on reducing the magnitude of the prescription drug use issue

Man Uses Burrito To Sneak Heroin-Filled Syringe Into Hospital, Police Say (Photo) http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/crime/man-snuck-heroin-filled-syringe-hospital-inside-bag-food-photo#article-fb-comments According to Michael Botticelli Deputy Director at Office of National Drug Control Policy who has a BS in Psychology claims to have the medical expertise to make the following quote: According to Botticelli, “medical professionals are not properly equipped to deal with […]

You would wonder if the bureaucrats in TN consulting with anyone before passing these laws

Well I have reached out to the buprenorphine advocates a long time ago .. I’V reached out to state senators doctors pharmacies …I mean I have exhausted so so many options …I’m grasping at straws now .. I watched TN pass bill 871 last year which has some good things in it ,but it also […]

Collateral damage from the war on drugs ?

This post was on another site: “This is a very sad post. This is a post that could be about any of us here. I’m heart sick that we are still fighting with people who don’t see what is really happening to us. I just received a message that a chronic pain sufferer took her […]

2015 year in review… the war on drugs …success.. failure ?

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2015 in review … what killed us

http://www.romans322.com/daily-death-rate-statistics.php Notice that drug OTC/Prescription overdose deaths are way down on SECOND PAGE.. using bureaucratic philosophy… should everything above those line items.. BE DECLARED A EPIDEMIC ? CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGEĀ  – might have to click twice