Who is the liar.. the patient or the Pharmacist ?

Legal Duty When Advising on the Use of OTC Products http://www.pharmacytimes.com/publications/issue/2016/January2016/Legal-Duty-When-Advising-on-the-Use-of-OTC-Products?utm_source=GoogleNews&utm_medium=GoogleNews&utm_campaign=PharmacyTimesNews ISSUE OF THE CASE When a patient consults a pharmacist by telephone about a medication for her spouse, and the spouse uses it, which allegedly results in adverse health consequences, can the pharmacist and pharmacy be held liable for monetary damages? FACTS OF THE […]

in Ohio.. it isn’t about proper pt care.. it is all about reducing numbers Genocide .. American Style ?

Ohio strengthens opioid prescribing guidelines to further prevent prescription drug abuse http://highlandcountypress.com/main.asp?SectionID=2&SubSectionID=73&ArticleID=31145 As part of Ohio’s continuing effort to curb the misuse and abuse of prescription pain medications and unintentional overdoses, the Governor’s Cabinet Opiate Action Team announced Tuesday the adoption of new opioid prescribing guidelines for the outpatient management of patients with acute pain […]

Although the CDC’S guidance won’t be legally binding, its impact is predicted to be dramatic

Will Delay Weaken CDC Opioid Guidance? Recommendations to limit supply and dosing under fire http://www.medpagetoday.com/PainManagement/PainManagement/55573?xid=nl_mpt_DHE_2016-01-09&eun=g578717d0r Although the CDC’s pending guidance on opioid prescribing — expected to be some of the strongest federal advice on opioids to date — was supposed to drop this month, politics have forced the agency into an additional public comment period. […]