Ohio’s Pharmacists/Pharmacies don’t want to deal with addicts ?

Few Ohio pharmacies sell Narcan without a prescription after state law widens access http://www.wcpo.com/news/insider/few-ohio-pharmacies-sell-narcan-without-a-prescription-after-ohio-law-widens-access CINCINNATI — Even though it’s now legal for heroin addicts and their families to buy Naloxone in Ohio without a prescription, many customers are hard-pressed to find pharmacies equipped to sell it. But there are signs that could change soon. “I probably talk […]

NO THANKS to the DEA … pharmacies don’t want to collect unwanted medications

D.E.A. Effort to Curb Painkiller Abuse Falls Short at Pharmacies http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/11/us/dea-effort-to-curb-painkiller-abuse-falls-short-at-pharmacies.html?mwrsm=Email&_r=1 When the Drug Enforcement Administration announced last year that pharmacies nationwide could accept and destroy customers’ unwanted prescription drugs, experts in substance abuse called it a significant step toward easing the painkiller and heroin epidemic. One year later, however, the response has been insignificant, […]

Does More seizures mean less illegal drugs on the street ? NOPE !!

DEA: More Meth, Heroine Seized In Arizona In 2015 http://kjzz.org/content/255043/dea-more-meth-heroine-seized-arizona-2015 The flow of drugs across the Arizona-Mexico border is a constant battle for drug enforcement officials, but, which drugs are bring trafficked into the country are always changing. Right now, those drugs are meth and heroine, according to statistics provided by the Drug Enforcement Administration. […]

How many will be thrown into withdrawal ?

With this huge snow storm over a large portion of the east side of our country.. is going to impact deliveries to some pharmacies and could even cause some pharmacies not to be open because of the weather. In some areas there is forecast to have blizzard conditions… which means some roads are going to […]

The “money trail” if you are committed to running addiction treatment centers ?

Validation that “EDUCATION” about substance abuse doesn’t work ?

http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/prosecutors-say-shore-medical-pharmacist-stole-morphine-replaced-it-with/article_1f242ce6-c08e-11e5-b80c-af6d4b9d1d03.html Prosecutors say Shore Medical pharmacist stole morphine, replaced it with saline If anyone should be the most educated about the consequences of abusing medications… a Pharmacist should be high on that list… but .. apparently this particular Pharmacist’s mental health disease of addictive personality disorder has a much larger impact on his life than […]