Your living in pain can never be greater than my pain of losing a loved one to drugs ?

Mother of Capitol Hill overdose victim: ‘There’s no way to describe this grief’ SEATTLE — Sitting inside her late daughter’s apartment Tuesday afternoon, Annie Horn was a mix of anger, grief and confusion. Horn said she that her daughter Sara Valenzuela had a history of using drugs to handle heartbreak and injury, but she […]

Nursing groups support less treating of chronic pain pts and more focused on opiate abuse ?

Nursing Groups Commit to Fighting Opioid Misuse Nursing organizations are uniting in a national effort to enhance education on opioid prescription and administration practices. Seventy eight people die each day from an opioid overdose, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and half of opioid overdose deaths involve prescription opioids.  In an effort […]

Study Finds Genetic Variants Associated With Risk for Fibromyalgia

Study Finds Genetic Variants Associated With Risk for Fibromyalgia   Palm Springs, Calif.—A retrospective analysis has found two genetic polymorphisms with a statistically significant association with fibromyalgia: C-reactive protein (CRP; rs1205) and protein tyrosine phosphatase, nonreceptor type 11 (PTPN11; rs2301756). According to the researchers, these findings could contribute to the discovery of better diagnostic […]

Study conclusion: intentional abuse of many medications can have harmful outcomes… DUH !!

FDA Warns of Heart Risk with Loperamide Overdose Permanent and fatal arrhythmias tied to misuse of loperamide Higher than recommended doses of diarrhea drug loperamide (Imodium) can cause serious and even fatal cardiac arrhythmias, the FDA warned. Although some of the 48 cases of QT interval prolongation, torsades de pointes, cardiac arrest, syncope, and […]