Another case of DEA’s “ready.. fire… aim..”

Fill-in doctors for Gosy gain appreciation of pain patients, practice and problems Ailing, panicked patients challenge preconceptions…   The three doctors saw more than 200 of Dr. Eugene Gosy’s patients on their first day of filling in. The patients came in walkers and wheelchairs, some connected to oxygen tanks and others to pain pumps. […]

Elephants in the room

Elephants in the room IMO, there are so many F-ing ELEPHANTS in the room, I am not sure where to start the list. Apparently the first step on the path to where the chronic pain community has ended up today was The Harrison Narcotic Act 1914   and the motivation behind this act was bigotry and […]

Estimated 11% of Indiana nurses are fighting addiction

Study suggests 15,000 Indiana nurses fighting own addiction battles According to this website Indiana has 135,000 nurses and this study suggests that 15,000 are struggling with addiction.

“Healthcare” gone AMUCK ?

California Chronic Pain Center Infects Seven Patients With HCV The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that a pain clinic in California that delivered prolotherapy for chronic pain infected seven patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) (MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65[21]:547-549). The index patient was alerted of the infection by […]

25 states now call marijuana “medicine.” Why doesn’t the DEA?

     25 states now call marijuana “medicine.” Why doesn’t the DEA? John Kasich signed Ohio’s medical marijuana bill into law yesterday, making it the 25th state (26 counting Washington, D.C.) to allow some form of medical marijuana use. Ohio’s measure is more restrictive than medical marijuana bills in many other states. It does […]

We care about your health… just not all that much ?

One in 5 hospitals fall short on ‘never events’ Leapfrog: 20% don’t have policies that meet patient safety watchdog’s standards Twenty percent of U.S. hospitals don’t have a policy for “never events”–serious medical errors or adverse events that should never happen to a patients–that meet a national patient safety watchdog’s standards, according to a […]

Nursing home fined for failure to give resident medication

Nursing Homes Fined For Medication Errors, Fall-Related Injuries I wonder if a controlled med was involved with being missed.. if there would be any fines ?  Apparently whoever from the state that oversees nursing homes has more concern about pts receiving necessary medication as per ordered by their prescriber than does the BOP when […]