Investors See Big Opportunities In Opioid Addiction Treatment The first time Ray Tamasi got hit up by an investor, it was kind of out of the blue. “This guy called me up,” says Tamasi, president of Gosnold on Cape Cod, an addiction treatment center with seven sites in Massachusetts. “The guy” represented a group […]

Shouldn’t the FDA being advised by only those who know what the hell they are talking about ?

Nothing like a FDA advisory committee member putting in his “two cents” .. whose background has little/nothing to do with opiates/chronic pain “It’s not any worse than other extended-release opioids on the market, but if we don’t start to re-think how we approve and regulate opiates, then we will never really change the problems we […]

AMA abandoning the treatment of chronic pain unless you are a nursing home pt ?

Opioids to Transgender: AMA Agenda Promises Heated Debate CHICAGO — The American Medical Association will open its annual House of Delegates meeting here Saturday and its agenda highlights many of the same issues that have been grabbing national headlines — transgender rights, Medicare, the Zika virus, and safe treatment of pain. Those issues come […]

NH AG is trying to blame one company that sells 6% of the opiates for NH’s addiction problem

N.H. probes whether drugmaker downplays addiction risk CONCORD, N.H. — The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office is targeting the maker of Oxycontin, a top selling prescription painkiller, with an investigation into whether it downplays the risks of addiction when marketing pain pills to doctors and other prescribers. But Connecticut-based Purdue Pharma for now is […]