Has the DEA become OMNIPOTENT and/or has those that the DEA is support to report to become IMPOTENT

DEA and Local Law Enforcement Raid Care By Design Cannabis Company The DEA has been instructed by Pres Obama, AG Holder, Law passed by Congress and Federal Court ruling that the DEA should LEAVE ALONE those states and those entities within those states that are abiding by the State laws concerning the sale of MMJ […]

MJ must stay as C-I because there is no research to prove medical benefit.. but no research can be done because it is C-I

New Report Takes Down DEA for Blocking Scientific Research On Marijuana New Report Takes Down DEA for Blocking Scientific Research On Marijuana A new report from the Drug Policy Alliance and the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies is taking the federal Drug Enforcement Administration to task for some four decades of obstruction when it comes […]

If you are not part of the solution… you must be part of the problem ?

Ex-DEA Agent: US Tolerant of Central American Drug Corruption http://www.insightcrime.org/news-analysis/ex-dea-agent-us-tolerant-of-central-american-drug-corruption Former DEA agent in El Salvador Danny Dalton doesn’t mince words: Central America’s drug trafficking organizations would not be so well developed without the help of corrupt local authorities that have been tolerated by US governments.   “When you see those organizations growing and starting […]

Putting things into perspective

Orlando nightclub shooting: Read about the victims http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/pulse-orlando-nightclub-shooting/victims/os-pulse-nightclub-orlando-shooting-victims-htmlstory.html It has been FIVE DAYS since this mass shooting happened that ended 49 innocent lives and it is still nearly wall to wall 24/7 on the news channels.. President Obama and VP Biden traveled to Orlando to pay respect.. In the insuring FIVE DAYS.. 13,000+ people have […]

Apparently Sen Booker believes that the FEDS can/should be able to force a RPH to fill a Rx ?

Feds offer another bungling approach to healthcare http://onenewsnow.com/pro-life/2016/06/17/feds-offer-another-bungling-approach-to-healthcare The federal government may be showing how inept it is at dealing with health issues in a bill recently filed in Congress. Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) has introduced a bill that would force pharmacists to personally dispense contraceptives, the “morning-after” pill, and the “week-after” pill – and […]

Can’t use the word BOYCOTT… so we call it “DROPPING SPONSORSHIP “

Corporate Sponsors Opt Out of Republican Convention http://time.com/4373023/companies-republican-convention-donald-trump/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A%20timeblogs%2Fswampland%20%28TIME%3A%20Politics%29 The companies won’t explain why It would seem that even though THE PEOPLE have decided who is going to be their respective Presidential candidate…  It would appear that part of the BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT has decided to in a word “BOYCOTT” sponsoring the Republican Convention… as they have […]

Stand UP or BEND OVER !

First email in my inbox this AM I read a very informative piece by you:   http://drugtopics.modernmedicine.com/drug-topics/content/tags/chronic-pain/when-valid-prescriptions-are-refused?page=full and I was wondering if you still advocate for rights of those who have been violated by a pharmacist?   I just had an incredible experience getting my prescriptions filled at a pharmacy I have used for quite some time. […]


With Evidence Lacking, FedEx Ducks Illicit Drug-Shipment Case http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/06/17/with-evidence-lacking-fedex-ducks-illicit-drug-shipment-case.htm      SAN FRANCISCO (CN) – The government dropped all criminal charges in its “novel prosecution” of FedEx on Friday.      U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer, who signed the order, noted the lack of evidence against the global courier, which was accused of conspiring with two online pharmacies to […]

What is Patient Abandonment?

http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/what-patient-abandonment.html What is Patient Abandonment? When a doctor doesn’t end the provider-patient relationship properly, it could amount to malpractice. Need Professional Help? Talk to a Lawyer. Please answer a few questions to help us match you with attorneys in your area. Injuries from medical malpractice     Injury from malpractice can be short/long term loss […]