We know the source of the problem and it is NOT AMERICAN DOCTORS

The Chinese Connection Fueling America’s Fentanyl Crisis A vast network beginning in China feeds fentanyl, a deadly synthetic opioid, to the U.S., Mexico and Canada http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-chinese-connection-fueling-americas-fentanyl-crisis-1466618934 Last spring, Chinese customs agents seized 70 kilograms of the narcotics fentanyl and acetyl fentanyl hidden in a cargo container bound for Mexico. The synthetic opium-like drugs were so […]

DEA to agents: You can’t screw with prostitutes… everyone else is OK !

DEA’s new policy for agents: One strike, you’re out if soliciting prostitutes http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/22/dea-new-policy-agents-one-strike-youre-out-if-soli/ In an effort to rein in sexual misconduct by its agents, the Drug Enforcement Administration has instituted a one-strike policy against those who solicit prostitutes while either on or off duty. The agency has also taken steps to beef up internal oversight […]

Anything can be a EPIDEMIC if you make the bar low enough

Surgeon General on nation’s opioid epidemic. http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/contactus/index.html

GAO: DEA the cause of denial of care for chronic pain pts ?

Watchdog says DEA failures lead to drug shortage http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/watchdog-says-dea-failures-lead-to-drug-shortage/article/2594630?custom_click=rss The Drug Enforcement Agency has yet to adequately address previous mismanagement issues that led to prescription drug shortages, the Government Accountability Office said on Wednesday. In its initial 2015 audit, the GAO found that the DEA ineffectively handled the quota process used to manage the amount […]