“Guest Speaker, Ed Coghlan from the National Pain Report

“Guest Speaker, Ed Coghlan from the National Pain Report on Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 at 9:00 PM EDT Live interview with Ed Coghlan from the National Pain Report on June 29th, 2016 at 9:00 PM EDT. During this special event, we will be discussing a wide range of topics, followed by a question and answer […]

Drug Users Need Treatment,’ Says President Obama. Not So Fast, Says Dr. Carl Hart

http://reason.com/blog/2016/03/30/drug-users-need-treatment-says-president This confuses me… yes to decriminalize/legalize all drugs/medications… allow prescribers to treat/maintain all people who need or abuse opiates.. provide pharmaceutical grade medications… Where do you draw the line between “education” and “talk therapy” or is there a “line “? “For too long we’ve viewed drug addiction through the lens of criminal justice,” President […]

DEA: Heroin-related deaths tripled in four years

DEA: Heroin-related deaths tripled in four years http://www.wbrz.com/news/dea-heroin-related-deaths-tripled-in-four-years/ Maybe it is just a coincidence but Obama came to power in 2008 and Gov Scott & AG Bondi came to power in 2010… legal opiate Rxs peaked in 2012.. and the DEA has had an increasing war on prescribers/pts over the last 6 -7 yrs.  There […]