Ward: Drug ‘war’ is over in rural areas

Ward: Drug ‘war’ is over in rural areas http://www.thestarpress.com/story/opinion/columnists/ward/2016/08/01/ward-drug-war-over-rural-areas/87001876/ The so-called war on drugs is over. Heroin has won. No. That doesn’t mean heroin and other drug users can indulge their addiction with impunity. It means the problem is so big, so overwhelming, so pervasive that police officers are unable to make headway in a […]

What physicians are saying about the new CDC opioid guidelines

What physicians are saying about the new CDC opioid guidelines http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/ama-wire/post/physicians-saying-new-cdc-opioid-guidelines Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tuesday released clinical guidelines for prescribing opioids to help combat the nation’s overdose epidemic, and physicians were swift to respond. Physicians are embracing the concepts for reducing harm but simultaneously are pointing out serious […]

New Law: requiring the DEA to have REAL PROBABLE CAUSE before acting ?

New US law stymies efforts to control opioids http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article93159532.html Congresswoman Judy Chu, a California Democrat, co-sponsored a bill in the U.S. House that met no significant opposition in either her chamber or the U.S. Senate. The new law makes it harder for the government to go after pharmaceutical companies and drug stores that do not […]

CHASING the “opiate epidemic” GHOST ?

Authorities organize new, unified effort to end opioid epidemic in Pittsburgh http://www.wpxi.com/web/wpxi/news/law-enforcement-organize-new-unified-effort-to-end-opioid-epidemic-in-pittsburgh/296144726 PITTSBURGH — Law enforcement is organizing a new, unified push to stop the opioid epidemic in the Pittsburgh area. The effort includes preventing prescription pill abuse, which officials say often leads to heroin addiction.   “I never wanted to become a heroin addict. […]

Vote for whoever you want – things won’t change ! OMG !

Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change. The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University’s Michael Glennon The voters who put Barack Obama in office expected some big changes. From the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping to Guantanamo Bay to the Patriot Act, candidate Obama was a defender of civil […]

Texas medical board’s policies and procedures

TMA Board of Councilors Current Opinions https://www.texmed.org/CurrentOpinions/ ABANDONMENT. The unilateral severance by the physician of the patient-physician relationship without providing an adequate medical attendant or reasonable notice under existing circumstances of the physician’s intent to terminate the patient-physician relationship is abandonment and is unethical. (April. 2003) COVERAGE OF PRACTICE. Following establishment of a patient-physician relationship, […]

AG Lynch: The ability of Americans to have a voice in the direction of their country

North Carolina voter ID law struck down as ‘discriminatory’ by federal court The US attorney general, Loretta Lynch, applauded the ruling. Such voting restrictions, she said in a statement, “sent a message that contradicted some of the most basic principles of our democracy”. She added: “The ability of Americans to have a voice in the […]

At CVS: where judgmental health is everything ?

I was just at my neighborhood CVS on Glenwood Rd in Decatur Ga, and am completely floored at what I found out. I went in to buy sunscreen for an outing at a lake tomorrow. After searching high and low for sunscreen, I went up front and asked the cashier where it was. To my […]