More political BULL SHIT concerning the WAR ON PTS !!!!

Klobuchar Requests Update on Drug Enforcement Administration Efforts to Monitor Controlled Substance Providers August 04, 2016 A recent report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found deficiencies in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) internal controls intended to ensure that individuals who are granted the authority to handle controlled substances are eligible and remain eligible […]

ALL HANDS ON DECK… stop opiate prescribing.. no matter the suffering ?

Hospital pharmacists can help reduce opioid prescriptions A substantial amount of attention is being paid to our nation’s problem with opioid abuse, misuse, diversion, and addiction. Pharmacists are in an ideal position to help address the opioid epidemic and make sure these agents are used appropriately. Community pharmacists may play a role in reducing […]

The Fallout of Workers’ Comp ‘Reforms’: 5 Tales of Harm

The Fallout of Workers’ Comp ‘Reforms’: 5 Tales of Harm Injured workers share their stories, revealing the real-life impact of rollbacks that have been spreading across the country. An investigation by ProPublica and NPR earlier this month detailed how states across the nation have been dismantling their workers’ compensation systems, with disastrous consequences for many of […]


Getting a Painkiller from a Doctor Is About to Get Harder The government set new guidelines for primary care physicians on prescribing medicines for chronic pain. Government health officials on Tuesday provided strategies for primary care doctors who treat patients suffering from chronic pain. Among the recommendations: to use urine drug testing before prescribing […]

Their Mothers have to be so PROUD

National Guard, DEA, State Police Raid Elderly Cancer Patient Over 4 Pot Plants In a gross display of wasted taxpayer dollars, dozens of Massachusetts National Guard personnel, operating under a grant from the DEA, alongside Massachusetts State Police, descended into the backyard of an 81-year-old cancer patient in a raid last week — […]

Would you believe … DEA is concerned about medical privacy ..

Hearings Begin In Journalist’s Freedom Of Information Lawsuit Against DEA  A judge in U.S. District Court in Rhode Island began hearings Wednesday in a lawsuit against the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency, spurred by a local journalist. Providence-based writer Phil Eil, says he’s fought for more than five years to obtain access to thousands of […]

Thou protest too much

Mud slinging – political style I sense a HIDDEN AGENDA by those – mostly in the “Republican Establishment” that are refusing to support the candidate of the party that they are suppose to belong to. There seems to be a solid resentment because those who are part of the “old guard” of the Republican party […]

Does this sound familiar ?

Business Groups Sue U.S. Government Over Tax-Inversion Rules — Update–update-20160804-01162 BY LAW… the USA President is the final authority if laws, regulations are enforced.. Congress is suppose to be the only entity within our three separate/distinct parts of our Federal government that can pass laws. Which our President can sign or veto and Congress […]