what would happen if ?

I hear from pts .. nearly daily.. about their medications being pulled back, dropped altogether and/or discharged from a practice.  I read in a lot of state laws and CDC guidelines the word “PALLIATIVE” which is often aligned with the clause that exempts terminal/cancer pts from any limitations on their opiate/pain management therapy. If you […]

Professional moral responsibility to treat pain ?

I have started this presentation in the middle and you need to listen to about 7 minutes of it. The entire presentation is abt ONE HOUR and can be viewed in its entirety on www.youtube.com  

LIFE Before Death Opium: Sinner or Saint

LIFE Before Death Opium: Sinner or Saint   Our healthcare system has evolved to a point where now they label many things as “PRE”… pre-hypertensive, pre-diabetic, pre-cancerous  each of us has a finite number of days, weeks, months years to be on this earth..  let’s admit it.. everything after BIRTH is PRE-DEATH ! When I […]

When GRIEF blinds the TRUTH ?

This is a “platform” of a anti-opiate group that consist mostly of family members who have lost a loved one to the mental health disease of addictive personality disorder and/or those groups who operate FOR-PROFIT substance abuse facilities. I am going to comment on this platform to show how – IMO – narrow minded, self […]

Trading an addiction to an opiate.. for a dependency on a controlled medication ?

Is the use of medications like methadone and buprenorphine simply replacing one addiction with another? https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/frequently-asked-questions/use-medications-methadone-buprenorphine In treating substance abuse… are we trying to replace an ADDICTION to a C-II opiate by creating a DEPENDENCY on a C-III medication ? Is this an admission that substance abuse is NOT CURABLE… just TREATABLE… but still involves […]

when going in the opposite direction could be the right thing to do ?

There is a anti-opiate group having a rally/protest in DC next month… The initial gut reaction by some in the chronic pain community is to show up and have a counter protest. But this group is just patting all those in Congress and the bureaucracy to continue doing what they are doing… a counter protest […]