The police ILLEGALLY raided his house, taking all of his money and valuables

Government Forced To Return 55 lbs of Marijuana, Firearms, Bulletproof Vests and Truck After Verdict Michael Cindrich won a “Not Guilty” verdict from a Los Angeles, California jury in just a ten minute deliberation. That is what you can do if you know the law. Jeff Caldwell of LibertyViral reports that Cindrich’s client has a […]

Ask not what your country can do for you….

When John Kennedy took office Jan, 1961 our country was a total of 300 billion in debt. A debt that had been accumulated over the previous 185 yrs of the USA’s existence.. including the fighting of TWO WORLD WARS, a CIVIL WAR ,the WAR of 1812 and the Korean War This fiscal year’s budget short […]

Vote the bums out … take back “The American Dream “

The way forward is not via the roads of the past

Opioid Epidemic Greatly Exaggerated? Why is there such media hysteria about a heroin crisis? Because the numbers have not gotten higher so much as whiter. Brian C. Bennett Drug Charts  This link takes you to dozens of charts that demonstrates that in the “larger picture” the abuse of various substances has been greatly exaggerated […]

illicitly manufactured fentanyl is “flooding” the USA market

CDC: Fentanyl Urgent Public Health Prob Who believes that the alphabet soup of federal agencies will change their direction of believing that legal opiate prescribing  is the major/direct cause of opiate addiction/abuse ? Maybe this information will force the DEA and others in law enforcement to change their enforcement focus. Maybe it will be […]