Lawsuit: Indifference by medical staff at Forsyth jail led to woman’s death https://triad-city-beat.com/2016/08/lawsuit-indifference-medical-staff-forsyth-jail-led-womans-death/ A lawsuit filed in Forsyth County court alleges that a private healthcare company and medical staff at the local jail displayed deliberate indifference, causing the death of a woman awaiting trial in 2014.   A lawsuit filed in Forsyth County court last […]

paybacks are hell ?

Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com EpiPen price skyrockets 400% What I find interesting… Mylan’s President is the daughter of Sen Manchin (D-VA)… The Senator has proposed a OPIATE TAX and one of Mylan’s major products is Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen… which is taking a volume/profit hit because the DEA changed this product to a C-II a couple […]

Target stores has lost “foot traffic” because CVS now operates their pharmacies ?

Customers: CVS Takeover Erased Everything Good About Target Pharmacies https://consumerist.com/2016/08/23/customers-cvs-takeover-erased-everything-good-about-target-pharmacies/ One of the reasons that Target gave for its poor performance during a recent earnings call was that stores may have lost some foot traffic because of “some disruptions” when the discount store sold its pharmacy business to CVS. We wondered what that meant, and asked […]

The truth and all the truth that “the spin” will allow ?

Report: Pills in Prince’s home mislabeled, contained fentanyl http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/22/health/prince-pills-fentanyl/ It is amazing how some reporters have to spin the TRUTH to make a point.  It has been reported that the tablets found in Prince’s position was a “Watson 385”.  This tablet was a commercial product containing 7.5 mg of Hydrocodone and 500 mg of Acetaminophen.  […]

Palliative care – revisited

Some of my readers seem to have the same mental concept as some of the legislators that pass many of the laws that are impaling many in the chronic pain community. PALLIATIVE CARE is a process not a structure. Yes palliative care is normally associated with cancer care and end of life Hospice, but it […]

what would happen if ?

I hear from pts .. nearly daily.. about their medications being pulled back, dropped altogether and/or discharged from a practice.  I read in a lot of state laws and CDC guidelines the word “PALLIATIVE” which is often aligned with the clause that exempts terminal/cancer pts from any limitations on their opiate/pain management therapy. If you […]

Professional moral responsibility to treat pain ?

I have started this presentation in the middle and you need to listen to about 7 minutes of it. The entire presentation is abt ONE HOUR and can be viewed in its entirety on www.youtube.com  

LIFE Before Death Opium: Sinner or Saint

LIFE Before Death Opium: Sinner or Saint   Our healthcare system has evolved to a point where now they label many things as “PRE”… pre-hypertensive, pre-diabetic, pre-cancerous  each of us has a finite number of days, weeks, months years to be on this earth..  let’s admit it.. everything after BIRTH is PRE-DEATH ! When I […]

When GRIEF blinds the TRUTH ?

This is a “platform” of a anti-opiate group that consist mostly of family members who have lost a loved one to the mental health disease of addictive personality disorder and/or those groups who operate FOR-PROFIT substance abuse facilities. I am going to comment on this platform to show how – IMO – narrow minded, self […]

Trading an addiction to an opiate.. for a dependency on a controlled medication ?

Is the use of medications like methadone and buprenorphine simply replacing one addiction with another? https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/frequently-asked-questions/use-medications-methadone-buprenorphine In treating substance abuse… are we trying to replace an ADDICTION to a C-II opiate by creating a DEPENDENCY on a C-III medication ? Is this an admission that substance abuse is NOT CURABLE… just TREATABLE… but still involves […]